
What will we do to replace oil when it runs out?

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Since oil is an unrenewable resource, we have to find something else to use when it runs out.




  1. Solar Power. It is expensive, but ever-lasting (until the sun explodes, but that will kill us anyways).


  2. 2nd generation bio fuels are all the rage at the moment. Apparently the scientists are getting really excited about algae as it doubles it's size in a day. I read an article in new scientist about it.

    The problems with using things like sugar cain is that it leaves too many people with nothing to eat. If you grew algae on 10% of the farmland in america you could convert it into enough fuel for the whole country. Growing it on a large scale is still in it's infancy, but no doubt techniques will improve once people get the hang of it.

  3. You'll be long gone from this earth before that ever happens.

    Besides, we won't be using oil for much longer.  There are many sources of energy that the government won't allow and keep it hidden. We get help from off-world sources but the masses are never told about it. And we can't use the technology for war or subversive purposes so we never get the final formula. For example, there is untapped power available from ocean tides, and a method using magnetics - kind of an anti-gravity device. If you really want a blast go to Dr. Emoto's Water.

  4. I think electricity will win out in the long run.  Cars and mass transport can be run on electricity.  There are multiple ways to generate it using clean and renewable methods.  We'll still need  alternative fuels for some things but if electricity was powering cars, our demand for fuel would drop considerably and we should have no problem meeting the lower demand with ethanol, hydrogen or some other kind of bio-fuel.

  5. Horses worked for like 5000 years

  6. First of all oil probably wont run out till our great great great grandkinds lifes. why? because there so many places we havent taped into. for instance here in the U.S! such as in alaska. we just need to run over all the envirmentalist and build a oil plant. maybe then we wont have rely on other countries....and the dam trees, when we dont have oil will the animals and trees drive us to work so we can survive? dont think so.

  7. We will find some more oil. There's lots and lots and lots.

    Source:  My cousin the oil company geologist.

  8. Once cars stop using gasoline which should be in about 20-30 years there will plenty left for all the other things we use oil for.

  9. maybe we can figure out a way to just use air

  10. water?hahahah!

  11. andme2

    let me start off by saying Hydrogen is a great option for the concept of free energy.     I built my first hydrogen cell about 5 years ago. Have converted over 50 vehicles in the last 10 years (gydrogen and EV) and now currently run 2 trucks (and another EV), my home hot water heater, home stove and home generator on hydrogen for free with caught rain water and the help of a $10 solar panel.  I offer a step by step DIY guide to walk anyone interested threw the process. You can find it at www agua-luna com or you can email me.

    There are basically 3 safe ways to make and use it... chemically, electrically and molecularly, the first 2 being easier so I'll only discuss them here. The fallowing steps were taking directly out of a DIY guide I offer to those who would like to run their vehicles or home on hydrogen safely. The entire guide is available at www agua-luna com

        On demand h2 generators are a bit different from the Hollywood versions like seen Chain Reaction with Keanu Reeves, that tend to explode violently every time a film is being made. However when used in an on-demand system there is no storage of hydrogen and oxygen in its gas form, only liquid (water) and is only transformed into gas “on-demand” in small cylinder size amounts. It’s actually safer then gasoline as it doesn’t evaporate, creating explosive fumes in the tank like gas. the following were actually taken out of my $5 guide available at www agua-luna com


        1. You’ll need a 6inch x 1ft schedule 40 pvc pipe. With pvc cement glue a cap on the bottom and use a s***w on cap for the top. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, s******g in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).

        2. Now crunch up a couple aluminum cans (beer cans, soda cans etc) and drop them into the pvc pipe, along with a couple cups of lye (Red Devil drain opener has lye in it, some Clorox and Drano’s do to).

        3. Then simply add water, s***w on the top and wait a few minutes.

        What happens in simplicity is that aluminum and lye don’t really get along so they battle, and as always the innocent civilians (water H2O) that the most casualties, by giving up its hydrogen and oxygen. This then builds up in the void of the pipe and is ready to be vented into your engine, by opening the valve. You may need to start your engine on gas then switch it off after the hydrogen starts burning.

        Electrical is a bit easier then Chemically.

        1. Simply take a small solar panel 1.5 amps is what I use ($9 at, connect the 2 wires from the panel +- to 2 conductors (carbon cores of batteries work well, just be careful removing it from the jacket), but any conductive material will work ie. Copper, aluminum, steel, etc.

        2. Drop the wires into a water tank (I use 55gal drums), make sure they don’t touch each other.

        3. Drill a small hole (1/4inch or so) in the side close to the top, s******g in a small copper shut off valve. Place a few feet of stranded (food grade is good) flex hose to the valve and into the air intake of your engine (carburetor or fuel injections).

        4. Then simply add water, s***w on the top cap and wait.

        After a few hours tiny bubbles will form and rise off one conductor (that’s hydrogen) and even smaller bubbles that just looks like foam will rise off the other (oxygen). I don’t remember which likes the positive and which likes the neg hydrogen or the oxygen.

        The third method is more complicated and is what I use for my vehicles. It’s just a modified Joe’s Cell, there’s a step by step DIY guide available to walk you threw the process here www agua-luna com

    It also covers the other 2 methods described in more detail.

    www agua-luna com

    Hope this helped, feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions if you’d like assistance in making your first self sufficient steps, I’m willing to walk you step by step threw the process. I’ve written several how-to DIY guides available at  www agua-luna com on the subject. I also offer online and on-site workshops, seminars and internships to help others help the environment.

    Dan Martin

    Alterative Energy / Sustainable Consultant, Living 100% on Alternative & Author of How One Simple Yet Incredibly Powerful Resource Is Transforming The Lives of Regular People From All Over The World... Instantly Elevating Their Income & Lowering Their Debt, While Saving The Environment by Using FREE ENERGY... All With Just One Click of A Mouse...For more info Visit:  

    www AGUA-LUNA com

    Stop Global Warming, Receive a FREE Solar Panels Now!!!

  12. With proven oil reserves that will last till 2200, I think we will have a better fuel scource by then.


    Here is a question for you,

      The US has proven reserves in Alaska, off the California coast, in the gulf are off Florida and off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina. We let special interest groups prohibit us from getting this oil and stopping our dependence OPEC, Mexico, and Venezuela. Why?

       Because all the Eco-freaks feel it is getter for us to pay $4.00 a gallon pollute the oceans with carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide from mega tankers bringing oil to the US. They force these alternate energy bills through congress on us instead of seeing some red tailed nit-rat moved or their condo view spoiled by a temporary drilling rig. The US can become energy self sufficient in less than two years if we let the oil companies do their job. I hate to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas, who do you think will pay the oil companies taxes? The consumer of course, just like we pay their taxes now. Sure it cuts into their profit margin a little, but in the end the biggest company that get the most profit from a gallon of gas is the congress (Right now about 50 cents a gallon) and they spend that on bridges to nowhere.

       Maybe Congress does not want us to drill in the United States they keep the groups who finance their campaigns. All those big powerful Eco lobbies and foreign oil companies that pay them a lot of cash to back them have a bigger say than the voting citizens’ who don’t write their congressman telling them to open up these reserves.

       Alterative energy, Why don’t you look back to the 1970’s and see how much a gallon of gas jumped the last time congress thought they knew how to run a business.

  13. there are several choices:

    1.electric cars

    2.hydrogen fuel cells.

    3. ethanol

    or we can preserve fuel by using:

    1gasahol(mixture of gas and alchahol).


    3. carpool.

  14. CNG

    (compressed Natural gas)

  15. ethanol

  16. In fact I do not know...

  17. Our great-great grandchildren won't even have to worry about that.

  18. we will go back to whenever it was found in time machines and get it from there. just simple logic

  19. The government already knows the fuel of tomorrow they are figuring out how to charge us

  20. use hashish oil. hehe. sweet.

  21. Anthropologists Leslie White (1900-1975) developed the theory of cultural evolution, which was ignored by most of his contemporary peers. He suggested five stages of human development. First people use only their own muscles. In the second stage, they also used domesticated animals. The third stage is the agricultural revolution. In the fourth stage, people learn to use the energy from coal, oil and gas. The fifth and final stage is the harnessing of nuclear energy.

    We, humankind on planet Earth, are now in stage four or five. Nuclear energy is for different reasons not so popular. Renewable energy, in particular solar energy, is not yet in much use probably for industrial and political reasons.

    Kardashev's theory can be viewed as the expansion of some social theories. His scale has three categories, based on the amount of usable energy a civilization has at its disposal. Nikolai Kardashev (1932 - ) is an astronomer, and therefore used to big numbers:

    Type I — A civilization that is able to harness all of the energy available on a single planet, presumably their home planet. Approximately 1016 W.

    Type II — A civilization that is able to use all of the energy available from a single star. Approximately 1026 W.

    Type III — A civilization that is able to use all of the energy available from a single galaxy. Approximately 1036 W.

    The sizes of planets, stars and especially galaxies wary enormously, so the numbers can be increased by multiplying by 10 several times.

    Type IV — Approximately 1046 W is within a few orders of magnitude the energy output of the whole visible universe. Such a civilization may not be possible, based on current scientific understanding.

    The Kardashev scale is of use to science fiction authors, SETI researchers, and futurists as a theoretical framework. Human civilization is currently below Type I. Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996) argued that other values could easily be defined by interpolating and extrapolating. He calculated humanity's current civilization to be 0,7.

    So far global political and social developments are behind technological development. We are not yet one world. Still India and China might want to have their own space projects: their own astronauts, space lift, and/or Moon Colony. A civilization which has not reached Type I status might succumb to ice ages, asteroid collisions and nearby supernovas. We really need to build a Moon Colony, and start teraforming planet Mars.

  22. probably vegetable oil hydrogen fuel cells or electricity

  23. pee

  24. people have been saying oil will run out since we first started using it.  you have to understand that it most likely will not run out anytime soon.  and even if it did we will obviously just start using other technologies to transport ourselves.

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