
What will we do when all the gas in the world is gone?

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i cant drive yet but when I can I'd like to know what is going to happen to me and all the out of shape people? I know we will have to find some alternative such as corn or horse p**p, but what if we dont...will people be living on the streets because they have no way to get to work to pay their bills? Please tell me what you think :D




  1. ride bicycles.

  2. There's lots of fuel in Anwar, we just need to be able to get it.  Who's stopping us?  Democrats

  3. We do what we should have been doing all along - we find another cleaner natural synthetic fuel!

  4. It could have dire consequences but I think theres no need to worry. There are several (probably to many) people working to find a alternative.

  5. wow that'd suck.

    we would probably find another way to get by ,

  6. We will be using electric cars long, long before that happens.  If you believe in peak oil, then we've got about 100 years of gasoline left.

    I am hoping we won't burn all those wonderful molecules.  They're very handy, and it would be a terrible shame to just burn all of them.  I believe they will get expensive enough eventually that folks will give up trying to squander them all.

  7. Well hopefully by that time we will have some teleports! Now that's what I'm talking about... no but seriously, the rich will get richer and the poorer will get poorer and there will no longer be a middle class. They have found more ways to fuel cars, the government just inst funding them right now. Someday we will have the answer to your question.

  8. Walk or ride a bike, I suppose....

    Our buses here in SoCal run on Natural at least we know they'll be working...right?

  9. not a d**n thing unless you believe in the whole "life after death" thing...."WE" will all be dead long before that happens

  10. WE WILL ALL DIE LOL no we would just make our own cropps just like in the olden days nd drive horses =[

  11. start walking every where (or ride bike's) or scientist can make water powered cars!

  12. Well, lucky for you, it won't run out.

  13. world is going into turmoil, many will die, some will live

  14. Alternative fuels are being sparked into life by the current gas gouging by OPEC and oil speculators.  In the midwest, you can buy all the biodiesel you want for about half what regular diesel costs.  Ethanol plants are popping up all across the country.  With flex fuel vehicles, you can put any combination of ethanol and gasoline in your vehicle and it will run just fine.  There are companies right now that are selling machines for home use that generate ethanol for about $1.25 a gallon.  They are a little pricey right now ($10K) but I'm sure the price will come down after they catch on.

  15. they will find another way to make cars run if not we will ride horse back like in the olden days ! Hope this helps!God Bless,Heather

  16. we will ride massive iguanas

  17. Riding a bike. Obviously you haven't heard of E85.

  18. come on haven't you ever heard of beans.  Don't panic, I got you.

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