
What will we do when our precious Obama is defeated come November?

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Someone better have Al Sharpton on speed dial. This is a conspiracy!




  1. Same thing we always do... nothing.  Every four years we go through this, the promises, the rhetoric, the attacks, and "plans" that will change everything.  And every four years, it does nothing.

    If you reversed the last few elections, despite what the parties would have you believe, we still wouldn't have health care, abortion would still be legal, and we'd still be at war.  Everyone in congress points fingers at whoever is president at the moment, but the fact remains, the president is powerless without congress' consent.  And if you think back 7 years, most of congress (both Rep AND Dem) were pretty raring for war.  And even now, most of congress has decided to just maintain the status quo in the war until after the election.  When they'll push for a withdrawal no matter who gets elected.

    In four years we STILL won't have universal health care, abortion will STILL be legal, and the war will have finally ended.  No matter which party we elect.  The president just doesn't have that much power.  We're not electing a king, here.  Don't anyone pretend otherwise.  Time to put down the partisan Kool-Aid people.  On both sides.

  2. We will have to live with the fact that our country will be screwed once again.

  3. He will get a job selling used cars

  4. lmao

    yep yep

  5. Oh ye of little faith!

  6. Keep dreaming. Obama isn't going to lose because the majority of Americans aren't that stupid. (Minus the ones that are.)

  7. That wont happen, sorry to burst your bubble, little guy.

  8. yes anthony a bomb shelter is a good idea. they want to build a case for war with iran and Venezuela. Because both of those nations are going to stop selling their oil in us dollars.

  9. start building a  bomb shelter in my basement.

  10. CELEBRATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  11. Do alot of praying that McCain can live the 4 years until the next election.        Sarah might be able to roll with the people in Alaska, but it's a whole new job dealing with world problems that I don't think she is ready to confront, if he doesn't make it because of medical problems, or gets called away for good. The young people need to talk with the older people that went thru the depression as to what they did, it's coming with Mc BUSH. Say no, but how fast did it take for people to get into these states of affairs we are in now The rich get richer with all their tax breaks, the middle class that are supporting the country become poor, the poor become dust.

    From dust you came and dust you shall become in the end.

  12. Keep recounting til he gets close enough to call for a do-over!  Actually, we will be stuck watching a do-nothing nothing, but get rich off of us!

  13. Cheer, and thank God for John McCain and Sarah Palin!  

  14. Don't worry your precious little heart, that won't happen.

  15. we will be racist for electing a white guy

  16. Celebrate

  17. He will have Oprah to comfort him.

  18. Throw a party because there will be individuals named McCain and Palin in the White House doing what's right for this country.

  19. South Side could use him as a Community organizer again. That is if Da Mayor would have him.

  20. I hear Detroit is looking for a new mayor.

  21. Life will go on

  22. Ill have to hear how racist i am because i didnt vote for him.

  23. Have bloody over through of the government? Viva revolution!

  24. gloat

  25. Sorry, it's not going to happen. Americans have had it with all the lies and political rhetoric thrown at them by the exclusive Republican Anglo club. McCain's speech last night was no different than Bush's speech in 2000, all talk and no action. The proof is look at our country and the world 8 years later. Just like Bush, McCain has promised the world and he won't even be able to come up with a victory.

  26. i highly doubt that will happen, but if it does we'll just watch as the republicans s***w our country more.  just like when they reelceted pres. bush.  i enjoyed watching so many republicans kick themselves in the ***.

  27. I'll cry in the corner.

    Nah, just kidding.  Eff off.

  28. We don't know yet.

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