
What will we do with all of the unwanted horses since horse processing is illegal?

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With horse processing illegal , we have no place to take unwanted horses. Therefor we are overpopulated with horses.Once these horses begin to die and are deceased, don't we risk of having diseases and sickness?




  1. glue

  2. i would never make them into glue or dog food but you can sell them to good homes, get money from their breeding (if your talking about racehorses) but i would never consider putting them down thats just mean

  3. You must be talking about DeKalb IL.    I think it is/was one of the only processing plants around for food.  The horses can still be shipped out of the country for processing.  Anyway that was only one way to dispose of unwanted animals.  All horses die someday, just like their owners do.  You call the county and ask what  options are available for disposal of large animals.    I can't imagine how I will feel when the day comes that I need to make that decision.  I love my horses more than any other animal I've owned.

  4. I don't think there is an overpopulation problem; I've never seen an area overly crowded with horses.

    Since this is in the sports category, I guess you're referring to race horses?  After race horses "retire" they typically go on to live as pets.  They aren't put down just because they are no longer able to race.  Horses actually make pretty decent pets for people who live on farms.  And c'mon, who wouldnt want a fast-as-h**l race horse to ride whenever they wanted?

  5. HMMM, you didn't happen to work at a processing plant did you?  Horses die everyday at farms, just like people die everyday (last I checked disease and sickness wasn't on the rise), there are companies that pick them up and incinerate them.  Horses who are too old or too sore should be euthanized humanely, not put into a pen and slaughtered so someone across the ocean can eat it.  I don't breed my horses so some hick can make $500 to sell it to a killer.  Just like the parents of a kill pen buyer wouldn't like it if I killed their son and sold him to a canibal.

  6. We do NOT have an overpopulation of horses. We don't have even a tenth of the horses we had say a hundred years ago.

  7. the horses go South to Mex, where it is legal.  Diseases and sickness , no.

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