
What will you do for a better world.Will you sacrifice your pleasures for the benefit of mankind ??

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What will you do for a better world.Will you sacrifice your pleasures for the benefit of mankind ??




  1. if you are looking for pleasures you will not care whether the world will be better. but if you do care you will not want to indulge in pleasures.  there will be no pleasure to sacrifice.

  2. Yes.  The simply material pleasures that I've acheived would be worthless in comparasen to the good of the entire human race.

  3. It is pleasure to sacrifice for the benefit of mankind.

  4. Now?  No.  But someday I want to be able to say "yes."  

    Every day I strive a little more to feel agape (self-sacrificing love) for all of mankind.

    My number one goal in life is to do everything I can to make the world a better, more peaceful place.  When my work is done, I'd like to be a martyr.  That's how I want to die.  Of course it would be even better if by the time I'm ready to die, the world no longer needs martyrs.

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