
What will you do if Gasoline prices rise above $5.00 per Gallon?

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What will you do if Gasoline prices rise above $5.00 per Gallon?




  1. pay it.  what can I do?  I only drive to work and I drive to the store once a week.  I already cut back as much as possible on my driving.............. now if everyone else would do the same............

  2. I'm already doing it. I ride a bike to work. It uses no gas.

    The government can't do much about the price of oil. Maybe offer incentives for fuel efficent cars. (which they already do)

    The oil companies have little to nothing to do with the price oil. Oil is traded on a global market based on supply vs demand. Oil is world wide. Everyday the demand for oil goes up world wide.

    In 2003 China's demand went up 30% and India isn't far behind.

    We have to find a way to do without OIL!

  3. Take up walking - seriously.

  4. Maybe I'll buy a "seniors" bus pass. Got to get a weapon to carry FIRST.

    Just kidding folks.

    I will do what I do NOW. I'll buy the gas and go where I want to go, as often as I WANT to go, while dodging all the crazies who always seem to be "running late"

    Carpooling is a real PAIN. Tried it once and ONE lady was ALWAYS late and got mad as heck when we left without her. Another was a chain smoker and always stunk (or is it stank) whatever, another couldn't shut her mouth long enough to gasp a breath, and so on.......

  5. The question is not "if" but "when".  I am currently trying to decide whether or not to move, refinance my house to pay off a car loan, or having my wife get a full-time job in order to continue to commute to work.  I drive 120 miles round-trip and it's killing me. For every dollar increase per gallon my commute costs 71 more dollars per month.

  6. I'll start riding my bike, no joke. I probably should be doing that right now. I work less than four miles from home and the college is only about six. Problem for me is I have to wear a suit for work and my backpack for school weighs a good 25-30 pounds. Aside of that I will probably just complain a lot.

  7. hopefully it doesn't get that bad.... i personally think the government should step in and put a cap on the price of gas.... my husband carpools to work, and i'm on maternity leave so i'm not driving much- except to the grocery or picking up something-- i reckon not much else will change- not much else to change here (the grocery isn't in walking distance, most of anything isn't in walking distance)

  8. I live in the lovely state of NY, who would tax small children if they could. I pay $4.55 for diesel, and it will reach $5.00 soon. With gas and other fuels so high there has to be some sort of a revolt in this country before our govn't wakes up and actually does something. Unfortunately all of our politicians (Dems/Repubs all of them) are in bed with the oil companies. Would a revolution help you think???

  9. Commute with a co-worker and prepare to buy a hybrid vehicle.

  10. For now, the answers invariably read: Nothing because I don't want to change the way I live.

    No USA bashing here, but in my country we pay the equivalent of $8 per gallon.  

    Yes, prices are going up for us as well.

    Our cars are more efficient, meaning we do more with the same gallons.

    We haven't taken to massive carpooling yet either...

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