
What will you do if SETI discovered an ET planet with the same level of tech as ours?

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I am a Christian but it doesn't mean that I will have to ignore what is possible. To me, this would be something that would change the meaning of Life as we know it. It would also create Pros and Cons to Religion, Science and Society. But 1 thing is for sure, it would create a new set of questions NEXT to "Are We alone?" like how ready are we (or they) to interact with one another? Are they hostile or as anxious as us? What do they think of us? But above all, to me, I am so excited and I want to see and hear it before I die.




  1. I'd go and have lunch.

  2. It would definitely change our view of things!  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God ONLY created us on this planet.  It says He created everything.  Maybe He did create another planet of beings.  Who is to say?

  3. theys raghtaweiy goinstart afeudin(appalachian dialect)

  4. If they are at our same level of technology then no sweat.  Neither one of us has the capability to meet the other face to face yet---and wont for a long time either.

  5. Xenophobia is something that has always fascinated me... The way the brain reacts when presented with "the other".

    Think about what has happened here on earth when civillizations first encountered or became aware of each other.. Genocide(I would characterize the SHARP decline of native "american" population from 1492 to manifest destiny as such).. colonization..

    I'm more afraid of humanity than them..

    Personally, I would like them to warn us about things..

  6. I, too, am a Christian (Catholic), and a trained astronomer.  My beliefs and my training do not conflict.  The Catholic Church now recognizes the possibility of other intelligences in the Universe.  Some people actually interpret Jesus' statement "In my Fathers house are many mansions" to refer to these.  If SETI should come up with the goods, I will be as fascinated as any other scientist!

  7. Some things are just not meant to be, so don't get your hopes up. It's highly unlikely.

    But if it did actually happen, there probably wouldn't be much we COULD do. The government would make it's decisions regardless of our protests. And no matter what they decided, there would always be protesters.

    Watch the movie Contact. There are many like you in the film, protesting.

  8. They would probably parallel us closely in intelligence but their technology could be ahead or behind us.

      They would likely think like we do,have all our problems,wars,religion etc. and they speculate about our existence as we do about theirs.

  9. Well, those in the church and other religions will need to reconsider that our uniqueness and special relationship with GOD! It would be a shook to our view of ourselves in the scheme of things. Just look how Christianity treated heathens in the past as the new world was invaded by Europeans.

  10. Warn people that Project Bluebeam is about to commense...

    especially if its any where nar 2012... what a coincidence... right???

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