
What will you do if a stranger ask if you want to be his friend ??

by  |  earlier

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it been 3 times already i been asked by a black guy if i want to be their friend..i think their age were around 30 or above.. i was just walking to my house and they called me "hey pretty lady" and they introduce themselves and ask "do you want to be my friend??" i was like what? huh- - ??? and i keep saying no,no,no and they ask "you don't understand english".. i keep saying no i don't. and i run away..i am very friendly if even stranger ask how to go some where or etc..but if stranger ask me if i want to their friend on the way.. i was shocked...

would you just be friends with someone stranger and they were like 10 years older than you..and they were black guy..i was scared..its not like i don't like them or something i'm just scared..if i knew them through friends or college fine but just on the street..sorry no way... would you be their friends if they asked you??




  1. JESUS!! You need to tell the police about this guy before he hurts/abducts someone. That's not normal behaviour. Kids go missing all the time because of nutcases like him.

  2. woww nooo neverr dont trust these weirdos

    and come on 30 yr old wants to be ur friends??? hmmm...noo trust me dont they r very dangrouslyy they might rape u etc,

  3. no \t is not always advisable

  4. A once off, and I would let it blow over, could be some stupid stunt. But this bloke has actually managed to find you 3 times, there is something obviously wrong there. I would imagine that you generally see him around the same sort of area, so he already knows where to find you, how long will you leave it until he works out where you live? Or where you go to college?

    If you said no the first time and he came back again, and again. Then that could be counted as stalking, or harassment. You really do need to contact the police on this issue, while you are still one foot ahead.

  5. Do you want to end up on a milk carton? no.

  6. Well, it sounds pretty shady to me.

    No normal 30ish year old would ask, will you be my friend.

    And no girl with a brain would say yes.

    If someone asked me that on the street I'd be a little creeped out, regardless of race.

  7. I would say nothing and quickly walk away. Acknowledging a person like this, in any way, just encourages them to keep bothering you. Don't even look at them! My guess would be that any person, of any skin color, that just walks up to you on the street and asks you to be their friend is either going to rob you or rape you.

  8. i like beans!

  9. Aww they where probably just messing about with you or found you attractive and where showing off. The man could also have been mentally disabled. This may make him talk a bit like a child and want to be friends with people.

  10. No way !!!!

    Does he know where you live?

    just ignore him!!!

    he could be like a perv or something.


  11. in todays world its not a safe place especially (not being racist) alot of foreign and illegal immigrants around that dont hesitate to take an opportunity. if that was me  i would simply tell em to f**k off before i call the police. nobody likes to be rude and to the point but its the only way to get to some people to make them go away because of me not doing that i was mugged at knife point for my rolex and phone 3 weeks ago by two black guys. lets face it would you or any other normal person go up to someone in the street and say " hey do you wanna be my friend" i doubt it especially cos of the fact you dont know who the person your asking is. you could be a killer for all he knows...

  12. hes sounds weird dont even think about it  

  13. Friendships are not made like this pregnancies are. Have NOTHING to do with him, if he persists tell your parents or the police.

  14. You know nothing about him, don't mix in his circles, and there seems no reason for you two to spend any time together.  I would avoid him.

  15. No, if he gives you a weird vibe then no. If he keeps doing it and its really frightening you ring the police. It is a little odd that he would randomly ask you. You should just ring the police or avoid him if possible.

  16. get a can of mace spray at the ready .  spooky  stuff

  17. you done the best thing now make sure you tell your parents if anything makes you feel uncomfortable don't do it

  18. nah, that sounds shady and you need to be careful. It's scary because he is a male and much older than you ..if it was a girl your age or even a guy your age it would be a little different but still a little weird just to ask a complete stranger if you want to be friends. Next time just tell him that you feel uncomfortable when he asks you's a scary situation!!

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