
What will you do if the one you love is far away from you??

by  |  earlier

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  1. try your best to be loyal to him/her.

    resist temptation of falling if he/she would be back.

    look at the bright side of life.

    communicate :)

    thru chat...etc.. :)

  2. If one i love is far away from me.

    I will call her,chat online with her,email her and whatever mode possible I will keep in touch with her.

    Its not the distence, its feeling that matters.


  3. I had an online type relationship for almost a year (dont know if this is similar to yours) and it did work well, but with most things, the distance screwed everything up after a while (she fell for a soldier because he was going to iraq ¬¬)

    Personally I don't try to do distance anymore, if you want stability in the relationship then you need to meet up. Constant contact will make it easier on the both of you

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