
What will you do if you discovered your immediate boss is not doing the right thing?

by  |  earlier

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If he is doing something against the company policy will you inform his boss or just keep quiet. For more info he is not a good boss he like to do thing behind his boss.




  1. I need more information before I can give you an answer.What is it that he is not doing right? Is it morally wrong, is it illegal,is it a crime? At this point, you can still go to edit and add more details to fill me in.

    My answer after details have been added:You need to check carefully whether what he is doing is against company policy before you report.Find out whether he knows what he is doing is against company policy.Talk to trusted friends in workplace and decide as a group what action to take.

  2. what do u mean?

  3. i would talk to him about it and try to find a solution.

  4. That would depend on what he was doing compared to what he should have been doing.  How about clicking on ADD DETAILS and fill us in so we can give you an answer?

  5. By "right" thing do you mean what I think is the right thing to do or is the boss doing something against company policy or something illegal?

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