
What will you do if you saw an alien landed of your back yard?

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What will you do if you saw an alien landed of your back yard?




  1. I'd pinch myself so I could wake up.


  2. Say "hello".. Then ask him if he liked Pootie Tang or something.

  3. I just eat them

  4. take a picture with it,

    and ask it to jump on my trampoline with me.

  5. I'll take some photos then I'll be legging it!!!

  6. crack out the shotgun and get blasting

  7. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    "Aliens" just in time for 2012!

    I would urge you to get saved and repent now while you can.

    Just do NOT accept this:

  8. id get a bat a some pepper spray.

  9. ask him in for dinner and open a packet of SMASH

  10. Give him a poptart and then tell him to get off my property.

  11. Put my shirt over my head and start running in circles while yelling "WAKA WAKA WAKA"! And if that doesn't give him a reason to not destroy me, I'll show her a picture of Rosie O'Donnell and tell it where she lives so he can destroy her instead. And if for some reason it doesn't work, I'll just stand like a flamingo, nobody will kill a flamingo.

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