
What will you do if your candidate is not elected?

by  |  earlier

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Protest the election? Demonstrate? Violence? Move out of the country? Wait four years?




  1. Buckle down for more hard times and prepare for the worst financially.

    Get another job in addition to the one I have now if I can find one.

    Keep growing a garden in my backyard and try to budget all I can.  

    Hope we don't get laid off.

    Or maybe go to Central America.  

  2. Live another day like when Bush was the President. Life goes on.

  3. Go.. Oh darn, he didn't win, then go on with my life.

    Of course, that is because Hillary is not in the running.  If she were to win then I would seriously consider moving to another country.

  4. Elections are like sports, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, no matter what happens, the majority has the last word.

  5. move to China

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