
What will you do if your rich father only wants you to marry a rich man you cannot find?

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But instead you've found a decent man with an ok job...enough for himself now. And you know that this man will not cheat on you or hurt you.

How will i introduce him to my father? Or to my father's best friend who only want me to marry rich... or else he said he will disown me if i was his child!!!




  1. just introduce him

    if your father is rude or condescending - have a frank talk with your father - that if he cannot respect your decision it is up to him to be respectful to your bf, or your visits will be severely limited

    if he can live with that - that is his choice - you sound like your own person with a good head on your shoulders so i think you can handle any fallout from that -  

  2. Daddys are always looking out for their little girls you know.  The blue collar worker may look good to you now at your young age obviously, but the older you get you will realize your daddy was right.  He wants you to have an easy life. My dad told me the first thing and I told him I wasn't interested in a guy wearing a suit.  Give me t shirts and blue jeans anyday, so I married the construction worker and lived ok until he showed his true intelligence and changed for the worse, second marriage Owner of a landscaping company, got money and a great guy great marriage.  Shoulda listened to Daddy in the first place.

  3. pressure from parents is rotten.

    thing is, YOU have to live with this person, have children, and love him. not them.

    A good honest hardworking man is better than a slimy self centered rich one.  if dad cant understand, thats his problem not yours.  Dad will either love you and keep you in his life or chose to turn his back. If he does that it will only be his sad loss

  4. Money can make life comfortable, but it doesnt make you happy.  Having a nice man around to be your husband will.  Do you really want someone that brings in the bacon, but is too busy with work to be with you?   I'd assume not.  

  5. u know very few people have courage to accept love.

    cause it always come with problems. people always said they want love they need it but when love comes to them they start thinking about other issues like future, childrens future & social status, carrier etc etc.

    but why we want all these material thing just to keep ourself happy & comfortable, but if we are not satisfied with our life or we get all these things which costs love. will we be happy then ?

    just think if u have money, social status, big cars, bungalow etc etc but don't have relation (gud relation) or trust worthy people around you, then ? if your husband is richest person of the country but an egoistic person, not sensitive, don't have time for u, don't love u. then ? can u buy love after giving all ur money ? No. u don't.

    but at the same time i don't suggest you to dishearten ur dad, just be strong & talk to him clearly why he want this, just to secure your future but what about your emotions ? can money be a guarantee for happy future? can he (the rich guy) owned that money for whole life ? no one guarantee that. so don't run after money & let ur dad understand this thing.

    God Bless U

  6. Tell your dad to get one of his rich friends to give him a job.

    Your dad probably has good intentions for you and wants you to be well taken care of because he loves you and doesn't want to see you struggle.  

    No one STARTS out rich.  Either your family has money, or you work hard to become successful.  Maybe if you talk to him he will see the potential in this man that you love.

  7. I would rather be disowned than to be controlled by ANYONE.

  8. Tell your materialistic old father that you wish to raise children as you see fit, which includes instilling in them that money is not everything, in fact as your father has proved, it makes people despicable

  9. hon if your man is a wonderful person and has a ok job and you trust & love him the marry him don't let people or there money dicketate to you . it's your life. ask your self this can you live with out the familys money? don't worry hon if your man is a hard worker you will have all the money & love you want. good luck.

  10. keep looking ur father knows best

  11. Well if you want to be happy and you found the person that makes you feel that way than be happy and be with him. If your guy works than he has something going for him, you could work to help him out. I see it as your father just wants you to be well off and not worry about money struggles but even the richest people have problems even if its not about money. So introduce you man to your dad and if he doesn't like him well tough sh** because he doesn't have to be with him or marry him. All that matters is your happiness not your fathers. Do what you want and make what you want in life happen do not live for someone else. If your father loves you he will except the man you pick and be happy for you. Love is not always around so when you can find someone who has that love for you, you take it and hold on tight.

  12. Bring home a rich woman and see how he likes that . Im sure he will welcome your decent man with an OK job.

  13. your to turn from you mom and dad and give yourself to the man YOU have chosen .fact is you my just not want to be put out the your dads long as your wanting dads money your never going to be a free person .

  14. you just introduce him to your dad, and explain that you are your own person.

    My dad wanted me to marry a nice jewish boy, instead I'm marrying a man whos going to be a pastor

  15. Well I would tell them il marry who I want does it really matter if he is rich? as long as he loves you and takes care of you and is faithfull then why does it matter if he is rich are not. Good luck with this and hope you do whats best for you.

  16. Well, here's the thing, you need to decide what's more important to you.  If you want to marry this man who you love but is not rich, do it.  If your father disowns you, oh well.

    The thing is, when you marry you're supposed to forsake all others.  If your father wants to disown you over your choice in a spouse, that's sad but that's his problem.  Decide what you want in your life more -- this man who you want to spend the rest of your life with, or your father.  Granted, it's a sad choice to have to make, but if your answer is that you'd rather have your father in your life than this man you want to marry, you shouldn't be marrying him anyway.  Your spouse needs to be the #1 most important person in your life, period.  You should choose them over all others any day of the week, for ANY reason.

    Good luck.

  17. If you love the guy enough, and you support yourself outside of your fathers income, I say let your dad disown you. If your guy is strong and decent enough to be with then he will be the new father of your children someday. And if your father can't see what you see in this guy then he will lose a daughter, instead of gaining a son-in-law, and possibly the chance to see his grandchildren grow up if you plan on having kids.

  18. Im sorry whos life is it????????????? YOURS. Tell him to go marry a rich man if that waht turns him on. Just becasue someone has money doesnt make them better or happier. I have many rich friends who are way worse off than me. Their sense of reality isnt there. Live YOUR LIFE the way YOU wish.

  19. What is your opinion on this? Are you asking because you would be upset to lose the wealth if you choose to stay with this guy? If he is the one, then the decision should be an easy one for you. Only because you would do what your heart is telling you to do no matter what the consequence. If you are still questioning whether you are in love with this man, don't make that decision.

    Parents should never put strings on love but many do and your father just wants to protect his wealth and add to it with a wealthy son in law.

    It is your life but understand that unless your Dad has a forgiving heart, you may have to live with the consequences of your actions.

    So ask yourself what is more important, Love or money? Your answer should be clear.

    Good luck!

  20. My dad was like that, and he could never be satisfied no matter who I'd chosen.  The few rich people I met were complete heathens (ever notice they are worse than hoodlums) and there was no way I could live shallow life like that, no love, no passion, for the sake of cash.  He even encouraged me to date married people, anyone who he thought was successful or had prospects.  When I quit seeing my first boyfriend I had to write my dad a letter and beg him to understand, as my ex had did something truly terrible to me, and my dad thought it was nothing because this guy was what he liked.  You will just have to do what you want to do and try to be polite towards your father.  I finally left home with a bum and slept in my car (serious) because I couldn't take it.  I actually believe it caused me to make poorer decisions than I ever would have because he was constantly on my case.

    Anyway you will just have to slowly introduce him to your father.  Prepare him beforehand, tell him it's not what he wanted, but it is what you wanted, and so this is the decision you have made.  I was also disowned, but later on he forgave me.  You may have to be disowned, but don't let anyone rule your life like that.  Trust me, after awhile the whole money thing turns to ****.  Not all that glitters is gold.      

  21. family opinions run deep in some families today, you need to make up your own mind in what you want in a spouse and take control of this situation, because of whatever decision you make it is for life and has consequences to it

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