
What will you do to maintain a discipline that will interest the students and make them happy?

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What will you do to maintain a discipline that will interest the students and make them happy?




  1. Let them participate in making the class rules with you.  They are more likely to respect the rules if they make it happen.

    However, depending on the personalities in the class, sometimes you can not let them make all the rules.  You have to set the major guidelines first and leave a few to let them brainstorm.

  2. Treat the students like your Friends,

    If you want tell any thing to them, Don't let them be a advice or an order

  3. Earn their respect first, their content in the class will follow.

    Discipline must be fair and consistent. As long as you are consistent and try to be as fair as possible between students (obviously there are individual cases between students) you will have an overall safe and enjoyable atmosphere for your students.

    Let me address a misconception here: it is not your job to make them "happy."  In fact, there are going to be some lessons, concepts, exams, assignments, etc...that will certainly produce 'unhappy' responses many times throughout the years, that is the nature of education as we work to get them out of their comfort zones and help them broaden their horizons and help them expand their minds. It is sometimes an uncomfortable process. That is part of life. Life isn't always fair and we aren't always happy.

    However, you CAN make your classroom enjoyable to be in for the most part and make students feel "safe" emotionally there. Discipline involves not only rules but classroom management. Have a clear, distinct, but SIMPLE set of guidelines, and have a CLEAR set of consequences when those guidelines are broken, and do it CONSISTENTLY for all students. Always there are individual cases that must be considered, you must use your common sense in those cases.

    ORGANIZATION for what you want to accomplish in your classroom is the first step, then consistency, consistency, consistency for carrying it out. Then, you won't get upset, you merely carry out a consequence. When you aren't yelling and arguing with students, and **they know what to expect,** everyone will generally be "happy."

    Sounds like you want to help your students and that is great, you seem to be (from your question) a compassionate, caring person. Earn their respect first, their content in the class will follow.

  4. Tell them that you will make them happy if they can maintain the discipline in class everyday, and the prove it to them. So that they have the trust in you.

  5. here in our campus we always welcome student politely and with full of love and affection

    but if after treating them for couple of time if they misbhave we use

    third degree that is severe punishment

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