
What will you do when Obama is defeated due to his own lack of experience and empty message of change?

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What will you do when Obama is defeated due to his own lack of experience and empty message of change?




  1. He will win the elected because he has many, many plans for the citizens of America..  

  2. hope I wake up from that nightmare of john mcclone  winning the election... between john mccain and the his choice for VP palin who is supposed the be the woman

  3. I don't believe that I have ever in my life read such an empty and wishful display of false confidence.

    It is funny though. Keep up the good work.

  4. Raise my cup and drink from the salty tears of his supporters who foolishly believed this failed Junior Senator could win on his celebrity status.

  5. Welcome all the sick-and-tired-of-bullcrap Americans into Canada with open arms.

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