
What will you do when the UK put visa requirements against you Americans?

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I hope it will come in affect one day, I hope you have to go through the headache for screening and fingerprinting like how you put us Brits through.




  1. we didnt put u guys through any headaches but u guys did put us through the American revolution. Also, read up on some American history before u decide to immigrate here.

  2. They won't.

  3. Passports are for traveling to other countries,visas are for staying in a country for a specific reason (immigration,education,business).

    I haven't applied for a passport and I don't need a Visa.

  4. When that happens I'll suffer by taking my holidays in Hawaii instead of North Yorkshire.

  5. hey, Ali G,

    London Heathrowe already puts us through extensive customs routines. we get our picture taken, etc.

    our economy is and has been stronger than yours for some time. they don't call us the #1 economy in the world for nothing. and the pound is slipping. losing value. 10 pence since i got back to the states a week and a half ago.

    you said you're from the U.K. are you of middle eastern decent? that would explain alot of your attitude.

  6. We expect it.  We know what the British think of Americans, and it's pretty on par with the rest of the world.  Although you don't know as much as you think you do.

    Either way, we know what you think of us, and we'll act accordingly.  If that means to get a VISA in order to visit your country, so be it.

  7. Americans wanting to visit the UK face the same visa requirements as anyone else from non Commonwealth or EU countries.

    British citizens who want visas to visit the USA face exactly the same process as nationals of any other country.

    Personally I love being photographed at American borders. I've posed for them so often they have more pictures of me than my mother had.

    When I come home to Britain, I feel they don't care about me at immigration as, they never took my picture, just my American husbands.

    I don't know why you think the pound is so great, it's lost 15 cents aginst the dollar in the last week or so and it's way down from the 4 dollars to the pound my dad used to get.

  8. Well Q i take exception to remark we British might criticize many things but saying we are worse than the French is definite war!

    Not like your kind of war course apparently i hear you are sending 3 ships to the black sea to win world war three LOL

  9. The UK is being taken over and that old hag with the crown has no control over it.  Look around  "mate"  your land is being over run with people from the mid east.  --  

  10. i stay home and take the kids to Disney world...

    Nobody force you to come here to visit the greatest country in the World.

    The brits are whining more than the French tonight...(figure of speech lighten up over there!!!)

  11. Yeah, that is nothing like the facial recognition cameras in downtown London you are subjected to all the time.   A one time identification photo is way worse than daily life in London.  Don't take any "I (heart) NYC" hoodies back with you to the UK, I understand they don't approve of them there.

  12. Nothing as I have no intention on visiting the UK. If I want to go on holiday, I'll go to Ireland.

  13. Get the visa I am required to get.

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