
What will you do when you can no longer afford gasoline?

by  |  earlier

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I've already seen old people lined up at jewelery stores selling their gold. I'm serious ... it was sad.




  1. If they're that old, it's actually not a bad idea.  They probably bought gold 10-20 years ago when it was far far cheaper than it is today.  So they're probably still making a profit, and it usually doesn't matter if their gold is in the form of jewelry that is broken or they don't wear anymore.  

    Although I would not sell to a pawn shop... if you want maximum return sell it directly to a refiner... .

  2. Walk, ride the bus, ride my bike...and then demand will go down and so will the price.

  3. What I've been doing ALL my Life. Walking. This Day was Inevitable... NOW we have to figure out HOW we're going to meet Our energy needs- WITHOUT depending on Gas & Oil for all of it!!!  :0

  4. Long before I reach that point, I will be buying an electric car.

  5. In the USA, it will be but a matter of time before a cheaper more efficient fuel substitute is developed.  It is time to tell the big oil companies to fly a kite.

  6. basically going nowhere.

  7. Electric cars arn't for sale yet. I would buy a 60 mpg hybrid.

  8. Get a horse.

  9. I have already taken my car off the road. But I am still making car payments. I cant afford to pay for gas, tolls,car insurance and monthly car payments all at the same time. things are just too exspensive these days. Funny thing is, I have a car but I am riding the bus.

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