
What will you do when your teacher insult you in front of your classmates?

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What will you do when your teacher insult you in front of your classmates?




  1. usew the "I" method to show displeasure w/o insulting back(thus getting in trouble) and it truly humiliates.

    Ex: " I feel put down /devalued/mistreated/ discouraged/upset/depressed

    (choose any feeling word and do not use the word "YOU"-it is YOUR feeling no one can dispute that) when I hear disparaging comments such as that one.

    If met w another insult, repeat back what they have said in another form such as "So I understand what you are saying is that I am not an intelligent person if I've heard you correctly" This often causes the person to back down or qualify their statement as it sounds pretty bad to hear it back and they may start getting nervous you will report this now confirmed insult.

  2. Absolute must......'speak up for yourself and tell the teacher you want to see your counselor'

    No adult is ever to belittle a teen or child for any reason.

    It's flat out wrong.

    Good Luck!

  3. Tell another teacher in a conversation.

    ex. "So how are you doing?"

    you. "Well....teacherinsulthere"

    And it will eventually spread among the faculty.

  4. My teachers used to do this too... Truth is you can't really do anything about it. Try reporting her.

    But this probably won't work.

    The best thing you can do is get a class transfer.

    Or just give it back to her.

    Good luck :)

  5. keep quite

    just let the teacher react

    you stay quite

    after some time when she stops

    you apologize for the mistake

    or put your point after the class ends

  6. tell your dean... or get back at them by getting a high mark at their class and prove them wrong :))

  7. dont do anything drastic.  what did you do that the teacher insulted you..  You didnt say how he insulted you so it is difficult to say.  if it was bad report the teacher to the principle

  8. insult the teacher back !!!

  9. its depend on the reason for which he will do that. no teacher like to insult their students without reason.Try to win respect doing your part expecting by your teacher.You can discuss these matter meeting him alone Dont care of clasmates

  10. Come on...don't make a big deal about it and a mountain will just appear from the molehill... maybe the teacher is trying to build up the class togetherness by doing that...i do that sometimes too and it worse fantastically... u just gotta chill...

  11. Look 'em in the eye and say,"God bless you."

    Don't repay evil with evil.

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