
What wine should I serve with pomes?

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As we submerge through the layers,

Contacts come in and out of clarity,

Separation and convergence,

As I train the listening devices,

I learn the biologics from the mechanicals,

Once through the variegations,

And sound stabilizes,

I am able to track and indentify,

I hear all the voices and not the cacophony,

Except, I misspell the words while organizing the sounds,

Someday I hope to catalog this

into the perfect poem.





  1. well, I do believe, if I am not mistaken

    a bottle of my home made...

    somehow was taken ..

    and by the signs of it ..

    you been drinkin it..

    ..cheers and bottoms up!

  2. "Champ-pipple"  That is a blend of Champagne and Ripple.

    ~Fred Sanford

  3. might I suggest a glass or three of a most delightful 6 year old plum wine,,, careful, this is not kool aid we are about to enjoy as we discuss biologics and clouds of rain marching across the desert sands, visible not to the eye, rather upon my radar screen floating in a sea of soured lime green light, thence confined to a long dark box for many long, long nights

  4. Indeed Sir..We have some excellent French issue...May I suggest for you some Jacque Daniel...I assure you the spelling will not matter afterwards

  5. A fine varietal is best served with cacophonies.  A syrah with submergence. The litre box will work quite well with mechanicals. As to the perfect pome, words mean more as wine refills.  Lucidity is achieved on the second or third bottle.  I go now to look for lucid.

  6. Is that the one in the 5 litre box?

    In answer to the last comment, --you can put it whereever you want too!  The 5 litre box is an  option! As always love your poetry, thanks for sharing! Cheers!

    Oops almost forgot  make that Shiraz Thomas Penfolds would be great!

  7. Perfection is only attained by the greatest red Bordeaux. I suggest a Saint-Julien, 1984 or 1985. Or Saint-Estéphe, if not available.  

    EDIT: shuddup you peasant!

  8. Uncle Nevill (that rascally devil)

    In his shed in the back

    on an old, dusty rack...

    has a bottle...quite crusted and fine.

    (He says it's wine.)

    I'd not advise you trying it!

  9. I have a CD with whalesong. All I would need with that would be any kind of wine and I would go under permanently.

  10. Lovely words. I suggest Poemagranite Wine. I've never had it myself, but I've heard it compliments word play perfectly  

  11. I find viewing poems while sipping on a 2004 South Australian Mt Jagged Shiraz makes the going very pleasant indeed. 2004 was a really good year for Aussie red wine. It doesn't come in a 5 litre box however (darnit!)  

  12. Many meaningful answers to a thought provoking poem, however the best wine to serve with any poem is that called love.  It runs the gamut of taste from sickeningly sweet to bitter and encompasses all flavors and all poetry, for poetry is the language of love.  Maybe love for another person, the love of self or just a love of words spoken in such a manner as to please the ears.  And love is more intoxicating than any alchoholic beverage, so add a glass of love and salt to taste.

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