
What wise words does Donald Trump have for Tiger Woods?

by Stevie Colts  |  10 years, 10 month(s) ago

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Is the sagacious tycoon advising Woods to sort out his marriage, suggesting that true happiness will follow?




  1. Sports_Guide
    Nope, Mr. Trump is sadly a little less romantic. He thinks that Woods should ditch Elin and just become, as Trump puts it, a playboy. Speaking on Fox News, Trump said: "I have a whole question as to whether they should even get back together. It is all so damaged and if the reports are just half-true I would recommend Tiger just call it a bad experience, say bye-bye, go out and be a wonderful playboy and win tournaments and have a good life." As much as it hurts to agree with Trump, you have to say the oddly-coiffed millionaire might have a point - at least it would be more honest than the dual lifestyle Tiger's led up 'til now, anyway.

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