
What with the left getting their panties in a bunch over the Palin pregnancy, do you think it will backfire?

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What with the left getting their panties in a bunch over the Palin pregnancy, do you think it will backfire?




  1. If Palin's daughter was wearin those EDIBLE PANTIES......MAYBE SHE WOULDN'T BE IN THE MESS SHE'S IN .

  2. The left isn't.  The right wingers are the phony moralizers.


  3. Yes it will. In the form of donations and support for the ticket.

  4. Big time

  5. Already has. Obama has lost 2 points in Gallup's daily tracking in the past two days. He was up 8, now it's 6. Rassmussan likey voters, down to just 5 points.

    Keep it up all, maybe you'll get his entire lead erased.

  6. Probably not.  All the voters will ultimately remember is a negative impression and it won't be of the left.

  7. Yes I think it WILL backfire. The Christian right will be embarrassed by McCain holding their hypocrisy up for ridicule and will tun on him.

    By picking Palin he has estranged Hillary supporters, Independents and the fundies.

    What a strategy.

    Sort of like invading Iraq to kill Bin Laden ...don't you think?

  8. It already has. You can't fool mainstream America. Donations to McCain/ Palin have quadrupled since she was named to the ticket. And with the increased blatant sexism from the liberal press the American mainstream has shelled out 48 million to McCain/ Palin since the sexism began.

  9. I think it has already backfired.  But fortunately for us, it's backfired on the Republicans.  

  10. No, but you can dream that it will.

  11. They should be concerned about Obama's oldest daughter, she is pregnant and he is the father.

  12. The left fortunately embraces Bristol. It is the right that always condemns  people like her.

    That is why so many Christians are so puzzling to me.  

  13. Backfire?  I doubt it.

    Obama has made it clear, any member of his staff who even mentions Palin's family will be fired.

    The media frenzy - well, that is another story.

  14. Yes it has backfired already because the Republicans have now embraced un-wed pregnancies as being a normal part of Traditional Family Values.

  15. I think merely using this as a reason to bring up the debate of "abstitance only" programs is valid.

    But there are some pretty vile rumors being spread.

    THESE will backfire.;...

    Please report this guy.  THis kind of libel should not be allowed on this site!

  16. Actually the left doesn't much care.  We aren't the ones who are obsessed about what others do in their bedrooms.

    The truth is, it's pretty clear that something else entirely is going on.  Since Palin was named, a long series of entirely legitimate issues have arisen.

    She has no record on foreign policy,  It's extremely difficult even to find a record of public statements she has made on foreign affairs or many other major issues.

    Her husband is a former member of an extremist group that is openly anti-American and wants Alaska to secede from the nation.

    She lied when she claimed to have opposed the infamous 'Bridge to Nowhere'.

    She lied when she claimed to be a longtime opponent of government waste.

    She had a respected state police chief fired because he refused to fire her sister's ex-husband during a nasty divorce.  She then lied about that and is now trying to obstruct and official investigation.

    John McCain clearly acted recklessly in choosing her as a nominee, without proper vetting which would have uncovered these issues.

    In response to all these legitimate questions which it has no answer to, the McCain camp is whining about questions concerning Bristow Palin's pregnancy and wild rumors which showed up on a few blogs that Bristow is the real mother of Sarah Palin's youngest child.  It's clear McCain himself is encouraging media coverage of Bristow's pregnancy at the same time his people complain about.  Just today, he staged a gratuitous photo op to publicly meet the father of Bristow's baby.  t's nothing but a bait and switch, an attempt to direct attention away from questions they're afraid of.

  17. It's already starting to. That is why Obama is almost begging people at this point to shut up about it. Personally I hope they keep it up.

    OJrules: DUDE STFU. you disgusting troll

  18. Sounds like it's a bit late for her to get her panties in a bunch now son, she should have thought about that before she invited the Butler over.

  19. It's not that she is pregnant but that Palin is a hypocrite.  Her abstinence only didn't work and now she wants privacy when outlawing privacy is the only issue Republicans have.

  20. We aren't.  

    It is just curious to see someone who doesn't support s*x education, contraceptives, and cut funding for centers that helped teen mom, while governor, deal with a teenage pregnancy.  

    Clearly, you should teach more than abstinence.

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