
What wll life be like on Earth in 50 years?

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Just wondering what your responces will be =D




  1. In the U.S. we will be well on our way to depleting our groundwater resources as the Ogallala aquifer dwindles in size. The water table will continue to fall, virtually eliminating most natural springs and increasingly stressing local plant life. Irrigated plants, like crops, will be doing fine, but such irrigation is what is draining the aquifer in the first place. I've read estimates that the Ogallala, one of our largest domestic sources of water, could be drained within 100 years.

    Within 50 years, I imagine China will become a world power on equal standing to the United States. I do not foresee war breaking out within my lifetime, but then I don't know who our next 10 presidents are going to be. I'm worried about a series of increasingly complicated treaties being signed between world powers (U.S., Russia, China, for starters) that leads to something like the pre-WWI situation that existed at the end of the 19th Century in Europe.

  2. we will be old men and women.

  3. In fifty years, we here will all be a lot older.  hopefully some of us, will be running the planet.  With the past wisdom of how or political and religious leaders have really screwed things up in the present.  And if we are all very lucky we won't make all the same mistakes they have.   As we watch our 3d TVs from our luxury apartments on the Moon or Mars.

    But why wait, we are the future, so the saying goes,  Organise  make our voices and opinions heard, make the changes now,  they we won't need as much luck in 50 years

  4. you won't feel the change

  5. Probably not much different from now.

    Now in 200 years from now life will be way more advanced.

    They'll probably have robots and flying cars.

    It will be like on the show Futurama.

  6. It'll be slightly harder to breath.

    The European Union will only be Germany, France, and England, and all the countries who got kicked out will blame the U.S.

    Roger Clemens will come out of retirement to pitch for the Yankees.

    Pets will have property rights.

    China will commit several WTO violations.

    The original Chicken McNugget will have decomposed.

    Prune juice will be fortified with Viagra

    Cars will run on water, so Evian-Ozarka will replace Exxon-Mobil as the world's largest company.

    That creepy kid from "The Sixth Sense" will be president.

  7. The government is a bunch of religious fanatics, most of the planet's species have been wiped out, and drawstring pants are back in fashion. Argh!

  8. you'll have bionic genitalia and smoke weed all the time.


    dolphins will finally realize their realize their potential, gain nuclear weapons and a passion for ebonics and remind us everyday of how "theys the daddies up in this *****, squeak!"

  9. basically the same...lots of species will be extinct tho...if we don't do something about global warming

  10. The islamic theocratic insurgents will win the war in Iraq,

    with high U.S. casualties, because the leftists in congress

    do not provide the money for better troop equipment, and

    because GW Bush does not improve the military tactics.

    Syria will grow more powerful because the western nations

    do not place sanctions on it.

    As a result, the United States will grow weak and pacifistic

    like europe. Then Iran, Syria, the new islamic state of Iraq,

    and other islamic theocratic countries will advance their

    military technology, in part by bargaining with other countries,

    especially Russia. Those islamic theocratic countries will

    build mammoth armies by instituting compulsory military

    service. The islamic theocratic countries will make a secret

    alliance with the government of Venezuela, which is

    socialist and anti-U.S. . The islamic theocratic countries

    and Venezuela will then cut off their oil supply from all of

    their countries at the same time, thus crippling the western

    countries. Shortly thereafter, they will invade europe and the

    racially-european commonwealth countries, with great

    success, and they will follow that up with an invasion of the

    United States. The puss1es of europe, the racially-european

    commonwealth countries, and the United States, will try to

    fire their guns in defense, but they will fuss about breaking

    their nails and getting their hair dirty, and about how guns

    hurt people and they don't like guns, and they will try to

    shoot their guns while talking on their cell phones, so they

    will get killed, and the islamic theocrats will take over.

    In conclusion, life will be like that of Iran and Saudi Arabia.

    Of course, that last part is a satirical exaggeration,

    but you can see the principles and dangers that this

    scenario demonstrates. This is the type of enlightening

    extrapolation of a possible future that the leftists just

    love to suppress.

  11. Firstly, no more fossil fuels. Hardly any oil. Warzone b/w Russia and US, which is the only reason that US is trying to get its hands on the leading oil producer. War costs oil. without it, you can't win. Also, we'll all be drafted into the army. as a matter of fact, the u.s. president's agenda is to increase the senior age of serving in the military, and reducing the age before enlisting soldiers. As well, almost every house, open area, farm, and so on, will be covered with infra-red mirrors sucking up solar energy (the sun), which is basically what germany has been doing for the past 35 years. how, if you ask, did germany get so much money for research and stuff, simple. taxes on people like crazy, charges 2x, literally, what U.S. citizens pay for to their electricity providers. and the rest is messed up unless you're living in a remote area-maybe somewhere in utah or arizona.

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