
What wonderful discovery would you most love to prove about the universe?

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What wonderful discovery would you most love to prove about the universe?




  1. Great question Zelda (heres a star)

    I would like to find intelligent life on...........


  2. that the Universe is recycling.... Big Bang , Big Crunch, Big Bang, Big Crunch, and so on..... I cannot accept the other theories....

  3. If I were really going for the brass ring, I'd do The Ultimate Theory of Everything, including showing how it predicts the masses of the fundamental particles.  Einstein worked on this for the last years of his life, and never solved it; neither has anyone else.

  4. Some of the physics theories would be obvious choices here, like whether the universe is open or closed, or some grand unification theory.  These would be more significant as far as the universe is concerned.  But for pure wow factor I think the discovery of life somewhere else would take the cake.

    I'd love to see some confirmation of life on another world before I die.  I don't care if it's prokaryotes on Europa or intelligent life on the other side of the galaxy.

  5. The Higg's field or ZPE or The Field or The quantum foam are all higher dimensional. The whole gist of creation results from the existence of the "Field". All things in nature in turn rely on this field for all things.

    It can be used to learn and live by. Propulsion, medical sciences, everyday living. Learning to live in harmony completely with all nature.

  6. That the universe is really matter inside of the body of God, and that humans are the cells, planets are the organs, souls are fragments of that God.

  7. Well, the universe doesn't have one and only Big Bang.. but it has multi-bangs before and after current Big Bang..

  8. What the "outer edge" of the universe is, if there is one, and what it looks like.

  9. I would like to find the real secrets about dark matter and certainly what Einstein wanted to find, the reason for the fundamental forces of nature.

  10. I would like to discover the secret to life. Science has been able to replicate what we are made of, but not how we come to be alive. There is no physical or chemical explanation for why we are alive. That discovery would change the entire universe.

    Great question?

  11. The Higgs Boson

  12. That the Big Bang is in fact true, and that Aliens do exist on other Galaxies. Also, to find out that Wormholes do exist and that we can travel through them to other parts of the Universe, and visit other Galaxies... And to find out that there are even other Universes out there... much different to ours.

    PS, sorry I got a bit carried away HAHA!


  13. That there actually IS a way for material objects can go faster than light. Much, much faster, ideally.

  14. perhaps, that i have found the border of the universe, and also find out that aliens are present, and they are none other than the people who die in the  earth.   ITS JUST A DREAM, LEAVE IT!!!!HA!HA!

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