
What wood u rather have?POLL?

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burger king or wendys or mc donalds..




  1. out of burger king, wendys, or mcdonalds...i would rather have wendys

    and then either subway or quiznos...i would rather have subway

  2. burger king i love the chipsxx

  3. is cold here so a baked potato and chili sound good

  4. quizno's and wendy's

  5. 1. I would take Wendy's over Burger King or McDonald's.  I think the food tastes fresher, and they have more variety in their menu (like small salads that are only a dollar, and the BEST chicken nuggets in the fast food universe).

    2. In terms of taste, I would choose Quizno's over Subway.  However, we don't have a Quizno's in my town, and they're also VERY expensive . . . so much so you can't eat there very often.  The subs are great, they just charge a lot for them.

  6. Burger King for me over McD's.

    Quiznos over Subway.

    I used to love Wendy's, years ago, but for now, there is

    no Wendy's close to where I live.

  7. Burger King and then subway....Love BK fries...

    Yummm now I want


  9. I think I like burger king best of all, then wendy, then mcdonals last.

  10. quiznos flatbread sammies


  11. burger king :pies

    mc donald's:fries


    subway over quiznos any day because they melt the hogies

  12. i wood rahter have proper English, spelling, and grammar.

    (typos added for sarcastic reinforcement)

  13. Burger King (french chicken sandwich combo...with orange juice instead of soda...then a slice of cheesecake...then just sit back and think about how great it tasted..then feel guilty afterwards and then run like a mad woman on the treadmill a few hours later :-) )

  14. Wendy's Hamburger, Mc Donald's Fries.

  15. Wendy's over the two.  I love there chili.

    Subway, much better deal.  The Q-Zone is not a good buy at all in my view.

  16. burger king is the best

  17. Probably McDonalds.  Or Taco Bell (haha, not on your list).  I hate Subway.  If I get a sub, I prefer a REAL sub.  Subway sucks.  Some grocery stores/small sub shops make good subs.  Or I make my own.  I don't eat a lot of fast food anymore.  Not my thing.  Only when I don't have alot of time.

  18. Mahogany, maybe walnut, WOULD be nice.

  19. I would rather have a Wendy's hamburger.

  20. Wendy's

  21. prolly mcdonalds or wendys

  22. Subway

  23. wendys


  24. Burger king & Subway.=)

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