
What word was created from a former presidents name?

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What word was created from a former presidents name?




  1. a few

    Lincoln Logs - the childhood toy - was taken from Abraham Lincoln's name - as he grew up in a log cabin

    Washington gave us Washington DC as well as the state of Washington

    Teddy Roosevelt gave us the Teddy Bear

  2. Hoover, as in 'I need to hoover the carpet, it's quite dusty."

  3. Teddy Roosevelt.....the teddy bear?

  4. Answers:  

    (1) Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, is the person after whom "TEDDY'S" bear, and later the "TEDDY" bear, was named.  [story below]

    (2)  Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, became the target of the unemployed and destitute during the "Great Depression" who called the shanty towns in which many lived "HOOVERVILLES."  His name also became a derisive adjective:

    "HOOVER" blanket = old newspaper used as blanketing;

    "HOOVER" flag = an empty pocket turned inside out;

    "HOOVER" leather = cardboard used to line a shoe with the sole worn through;


    "HOOVER wagon" = a car with horses tied to it because the owner could not afford gasoline.

    [The Hoover Vacuum Cleaner product is not related to the name of President Herbert Hoover.]

    [More on the "TEDDY" BEAR:  In November of 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt was helping to settle a border dispute between Mississippi and Louisiana. While on a hunting trip during his visit, he refused to shoot a bear that expedition trackers had caught and tied to a tree. The incident struck a chord with the American sense of fair play.

    Political cartoonist for the "Washington Post," Clifford Berryman, immortalized the incident in a cartoon titled  "Drawing the Line in Mississippi." Tugging at American heartstrings, Berryman drew the old, injured female bear as a helpless cub.

    In 1903, with President Roosevelt's permission, Morris Michtom, a Russian immigrant and Brooklyn toy-shop owner, sewed a cuddly stuffed toy and dubbed it "Teddy's Bear."]

  5. Teddy Bear?

  6. Bushed

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