
What words does Antony repeat many times to describe the conspiracy against Caesar?

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This is of the play of the Conspiracy against Julius Caesar...




  1. I'm going to respond to both questions here, but I am surprised or perhaps disappointed that you ask here.

      I'm also going to respond in a more historic sense, and my two sense.

      Answer # 1 and # 2 are correct in the wording.

      Antony, already on shaky ground with his Leader, wanted to distance himself as far as possible, from any assumed involvement. After all he had stolen what Caesar had thought to be a PRIZE. HIS prize.

      It was extremely PUBLIC, the knowledge of  "WHO"  "KILLED" Caesar. The notion, in the conspiracy was to design some thought in the publics perception, that THEY had just done Rome a great service.

      It was no secret that Caesar was at odds with the Senate, already questioning their own ability to be thought of as the power of Rome. It was no secret that those most close to Caesar would likely be those who would attempt what happened.  It was no secret that Caesar felt a falling away of those once loyal.

      Antony was a coward, perhaps more so than Brutus, and wanted no more, than to not be the next target/victim.

  2. "Brutus is an honorable man." when he repeats it, it becomes sarcastic. the repitition makes it a lie.

  3. when he convinces the crowd to mourn for Caesar he repeats: "Yet Brutus is an honorable man."


  5. CIA

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