
What words would I use to ask a circuit court for something other than jail time?

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I've been sentenced to 30 days in jail. I am the sole caretaker of my father who is mentally and physically frail. I am afraid of what will happen to him while I am in jail. I want to write a letter to the court to explain what a hardship this would be.




  1. Don't start importing words into your vocabulary for this.  

    Tell the judge that there is no one else who can care for your father and that jail time would endanger him.  You'll need some kind of proof.

    Good Luck

    Also, offer an alternative, like community service.

  2. I think you explained it perfectly in your question.  However, it would have a little more clout if you had an attorney to represent you.  If you can't afford one, the court can usually appoint a public defender to speak in your behalf.  It really depends on your offense, whether or not the court would be lenient.  If it's alcohol related, such as drunk driving or driving without a license, and a first offense, you may be able to get off, but if you're a repeat offender, it's doubtful.  In that case, isn't there anyone you could get to watch over your dad for the 30 days?  The court might even consider appointing a guardian for him, or you could contact Adult Protective Services and explain the problem to them.  Good luck!  I hope some of these alternatives will work for you, but in the future, don't repeat the offense, because each subsequent court appearance could result in a stiffer fine or jail sentence.  

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