
What work is my landlord legally required to do in my apartment?

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Our apartment has not been painted in at least 10 years. The stove is 20 years old an needs to be replaced. The closet doors on our hall closet have literally fallen off. What work does the landlord HAVE to do/pay for?




  1. whoa!!!!!!!!!!

    so you dont know it theres lead present on the paint hu???

    have you tried complaining  to them?

    because they are required to do all that

    but if the stove still works i doubt they'll do something about it

    yhea lol they have to fix all that but they wont unless you complain. I learned that from my mother

    Besides that's why you pay a deposit if they wont fix it then you should move out or if you think thats a place unfit to live in you can even complain with the housing asociation

    If you want to break the contract and are worried you might end up with bad credit consult a lawyer.

    I recently broke a 1 yr contract  because there were roaches and they wouldn't send somebody.

    I talked to my lawyer and he gave me some paperwork for the landlord to sign that would relieve me from the contract  because of their fault. But  I still got good credit .

    Hope I helped.

  2. What State do you live in? I have a copy of the Texas Tenants Right hand book that I obtained when I was a property manager.

  3. Since the apartment has been leased by the "same" person for over 20 years, and you "took over" a lease, all the interior repairs will probably fall under your responsibility. Check your lease on the stove. My leases all require tenants to pay for any repairs to appliances while they are living there. It's rare that an appliance (stove or fridge) just goes out without a reason.

  4. Check the lease.  It will spell out what the landlord is responsible for.  The things you listed are irritating I know, but there is no law that says he has to paint or buy a new stove.  If the doors have fallen off, that is a repair, and under the lease he is probably responsible to fix them.  Like I said, you have to read your lease.

    (You can ask your landlord to give you a copy of the lease.  In addition, since he rented to your dad for so long, I think if you ask him nicely to do some updates, he will probably be willing to help you.  Sometimes we don't get what we want just because we don't ask.)

  5. Read your lease, every lease is different.

  6. Legally speaking the only thing on your lease that is addressed is the stove.   The landlord has to provide some means to cook food.    A single burner qualifies for that.   If the stove does not work at all it shoudl be replaced.   At 20 it should be fine, I have one over 50 that is pluggin away.

    Decoration (paint) is not a legal requirement, nor hall closets.

  7. Check your lease , In my apartment are refrigerator went out are landlord said he didn't have a extra one but if we bought one he will take the price off are rent an pay for the gas to go get it .

  8. Well the landlord doesn't HAVE to paint the apartment, but probably would if you nicely request it.  Frequently LL don't paint while a tenant is in the apartment as it's a pain to paint around their stuff.  LL doesn't have to replace the stove.  So what if it's 20 years old?!  It works fine, it's OK.  

    As to the closet doors, why did they fall off, were they mishandled by you guys?  Have you requested that they be rehung?  Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder worrying about what LL is required to do by law?  What kind of tenant are you guys?  Are your rent payments always on time?  What have you requested that LL do--not because he legally HAS to, but because something is broken, or place needs painting?  Don't feel like we have whole story here.

    Without a written lease you are month-to-month tenants and LL can raise your rent or request you to move out with 30 days notice.  Likewise you can give 30 days notice (from date rent is Due) that you are moving out.  A little conversation between LL and you seems indicated, polite, respectful.

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