
What worked for you when you were selling your car

by  |  earlier

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I need to sell my car ASAP. Any tips or suggestions? Someone said I should get a FOR SALE sign and put it on my car with the price and leave it in parking lots for the day. Do you think that would work?

I've had my car listed online and in 2 newspapers for the past month. No calls/emails!




  1. post it on craigs list or ebay

    make sure people can read the for sale sign it from far away, list detales about the car, phone # and price make sure it is in a high traffic area like in a parking lot facing a busy street

    make it look nice, clean it out etc.

  2. I find that INCREDIBLY hard to believe that you received zero phone calls and e-mails if you've placed an ad for an entire month.  Why don't you actually try that?

  3. The same thing happened to me in 06. I had a full sized Dodge truck with a diesel engine & I got no respose on it. I finally placed an ad in truck trader magazine with both on line & published ads. After a month, someone finally came out & looked at it. He negotiated another $500 off my asking before we agreed. So, try & see if that helps if you haven't already done so. G'luck.

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