
What workout,exercise,diet,ect shold i do?

by  |  earlier

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Im PLANNING on running the Rock N' Roll half marathon in August so i need 2 train what should i eat ,what should i do 2 workout ,how far shold i run,ect. I realy want my mom to know that I want to do this so i have to prove that I can.............WATEVER i'm barley old enogh 2 do the race(12) and so it cant be crazy stuff k




  1. You need to start at the level that you're at- beginner. You can't expect to be able to run 13 miles in a couple of weeks.

    I would suggest starting out running about a mile or two, 4 days a week: Take off for ex: Sunday, Tues, Thurs...spread the days out. Do that for a couple of weeks and then up your mileage about 10% a week making your long runs on Saturday. Trust me, you will be much faster and stronger when you do run, not feeling sick and enjoying it a lot more if you take your time in training.  As far as eating goes: Bananas are my favorite-they are a GREAT runners food! They are high in potassium and will help with muscle cramping and soreness  when you're body is tired. Also, oranges are great for muscle recovery after a long run. Almonds, eggs, and peanut butter are also great sources of protein for a runner. Well, GOOD LUCK!

    P.S. Also remember- don't give up if something starts hurting: like your knees or shins, etc. BUT do keep in mind that it is much better to take a few days off until your body feels good again....taking those few days off could save you from a more severe injury.

  2. i would say eat healthy and get a good night sleep. also for the racei would say jog the whole thing and when the end is near start running and to train for it i would run three miles a day.

  3. the cookie diet

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