
What works best to remove a keloid next to my nose piercing?

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I got my nose pierced back in April. About a month after I got the piercing, a keloid grew next to the piercing. The guy at the shop who did the piercing said to put a drop of Vitamin E oil on it each day, but this hasn't worked. My sister suggested I grind up some aspirin and make a paste with water and put a drop of this on it each day. Has anyone successfully gotten a keloid to shrink up using these techniques? Any other ideas? Thank you so much!




  1. AAHH DONT TOUCH IT ANYMORE!!! a keloids are a form of scar tissue that keeps on growing and keeps on "heeling" on the outside of the dermis ( true skin) the only way you can treat is to go to a dermatologist. please dont touch it anymore it will only get bigger.

  2. I had a small bump next to my relatively fresh nose piercing and i just soaked it in salt water twice a day for a few days and it disappeared. I wouldn't really use anyone's home techniques (ground up asprin?) but go back to your piercer again.  

  3. I used vitamin E oil on my nose and it really worked, I think just use it more often, i used it twice a day. Asprin apparently doesnt work. My keloid is completely gone, but it was soo embarrassing while i had it.

  4. people say that tea tree oil works

    i would suggest asking a doctor or pharmacist though

  5. Aspirin paste is a relatively good way of healing it, and so are salt-water soaks. However, the best treatment for a keloid is not to touch too much, and to let it heal by itself. Mine healed after a few months.

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