
What woudl you do if the world was coming 2 an end and u had 4 hours to live what would you do HONESTLY!!!!?

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What woudl you do if the world was coming 2 an end and u had 4 hours to live what would you do HONESTLY!!!!?




  1. Pray. Sit with my family and tell them how much I love them

  2. Hi Janice,

    I am not going to kid you.... I would really be frightened.  I would be thinking of my family members that I would not get a chance to see for the last time.   Truthfully,  I am thinking I would lose it.    

    I would try to be calm and pray...  perhaps I would walk up to the church and be with other people.   It is a hard question to even think about actually.

  3. Tell some certain people I loved them, then shoot myself in the head.

  4. go to the beach with my family and have a few drinks. then go to Heaven afterwards. sounds like a perfect day.

  5. First I would pray and tell my family that I loved them. Then I would go with my husband out on the lake and fish. I would want to soak up as much of the little beauty left on this earth that I could in those few hours.

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