
What would Democrats be saying about Obama if he were appointed by a corrupt Gov & he resigned & defeated him?

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Would this story below not be argued as the basis of his candidacy for change?

Compelling Story #1: EXCERPT: Governor Murkowski appointed Palin to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, where she chaired the Commission from 2003 to 2004, and also served as Ethics Supervisor.[35] Palin resigned in January 2004 in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Republican members.[7][36][37]

After resigning, Palin filed formal complaints against the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich,[38] and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes.[39] She accused Ruedrich, one of her fellow commissioners, of doing work for the party on public time and working closely with a company he was supposed to be regulating. Ruedrich and Renkes both resigned and Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.[7][35]

In 2006, running on a clean-government platform, Palin defeated then-Governor Murkowski in the Republican gubernatorial primary.[7]


Shortly after taking office, Palin rescinded 35 appointments made by Murkowski in the last hours of his administration, including that of his former chief of staff James "Jim" Clark to the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority.[54][55] Clark later pleaded guilty to conspiring with a defunct oil-field-services company to channel money into Frank Murkowski's re-election campaign.[56]

Would this not be argued as the basis of his candidacy for change?




  1. There is no doubt that Palin has a few good things to be said on her behalf but she also advocates too many bad conservative policies and she is devoid of any appropriate federal experience and has demonstrated little knowledge and no worthwhile ideas in that regard.

  2. Sure........

  3. Palin terrifies democrats just look at their attacks for all the proof you need.  The most morally deficient group of people since the ancient Romans and Greeks are attacking the morals of a decent woman who has worked hard to maintain a family and do her best with a state government that was nearly as corrupt as New Orleans in many ways.  Then know their false prophet is falling and with his running mate's, the multiple-loser, cowardice November will be a dark month for them.  Just pity the liberal they aren't prepared enough to exist in a modern world.

  4. Perhaps.  But if he had a history of seeking and accepting federal earmarks it might be seen as a ploy to gain the office...nothing more.

    Palin lied about her support for the bridge to nowhere.  She was absolutely in favor until Stevens' became a laughing stock and the funding was stopped.  THEN she said she was against it.

    Palin lied about stopping pork barrel projects.  As mayor of Wasilla she hired a lobbyist firm to get tens of millions in earmarks for the tiny town.

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