
What would Descartes say about man-made global warming?

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What would Descartes say about man-made global warming?




  1. "I think, therefore I leave a carbon footprint."

  2. If he were in a room of global warming believers, he would be looking a long time for an honest man.

  3. It is all about money.  Scientist need grants, and will come up with the conclusion that most serves them.

    The Global warming movement is all about control and money.  The pundits want you to believe in their new religion (I say religion, because the facts do not support their conclusions).  

    CNG cars are the most efficient cars on the road.  Honda builds a Civic EX for 25K that is greener than the Prius.  Fill up for 93 cents per gallon.  That leads to the obvious question why is it the only one?

    Natural gas deposits occur on every land fill in the United States - not to mention untapped reserves on the east coast.  

    It make you wonder why government subsidies are going to Ethanol - based on corn which does nothing more than drive the price of food up.  Sugar cane is 8 time more efficient.  It is hard to quantify whether you have  a net energy gain when using Ethanol.  Most studies indicate a deficit of energy - you have to put more energy (petroleum into it than you get out).  The environmental impact is marginal at best.

    Looks like a transfer of wealth from Petroleum interest to Farm interest, and associated politicians in the mid-west.  Anyone ever heard of ADM?

    Last regarding Ethanol - cars are not designed to run on it.  Sure it will burn, but the compression ratio should be increase to around 12:1 to get max power verses gasoline 8:3 to 9:1. You cannot do that on the fly.

    Volcano's do spue out a significant amount of CO2. Actually 300 times more than man every year. The entire Environmental Movement is concentrating on this new propaganda line of CO2 as a means of exercising control. This an other means (Gasoline, and Food) have been how they have been manipulating public opinion to believe in their cause.

    The SUN is what warms the earth, and it is in an active state. It has been projected by 2015 cooling will be re-initiated as the cycle is expected to end.

    What really causes global warming is the lack of cloud cover. When the Earth is showered in Solar winds not as many clouds develop allowing the sun to radiate more. However contrary to published opinion the earth's troposphere is not heating up as would occur if carbon was accumulating like Venus.

  4. I watched a show on Descartes yesterday and how he got his butt kicked by Sir Isaac Newton.  I think he was a person to argue for the majority and twist his reasoning to fit so I would assume he would be pro-alarmist.  Actually, I think what he would say would be very similar to what we hear from most alarmist.  I suppose he might think of some way that the earth's climate system is like a mechanical device and we are adding heat to god's machine and causing it to go haywire.

  5. I'm not sure about what conclusions he would have reached, but I suppose he would have done a serious and minute analysis of evidence and arguments...

  6. Man thinks about global warming, therefore it is.

    I am not sure he would believe in it.

    He relied on rationalization, mathematics and logic rather than on experiment.  How would he have devised an experiment to prove global warming in the first place?  How could anybody else do it in the present day?  I am still waiting for it.

  7. Descarte didn't believe that animals were conscious, so its hard for me to care what he'd say one way or another.

  8. Show your theory to me again after at least six others have been able to achieve similar results from your data not knowing your method of achieving it. This is the scientific method!

  9. I really don't care what he would say. I care what mainstream science says now.

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