
What would Edward, Bella and Reneaseme dress like?

by Guest62099  |  earlier

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Well me and some friends are going to go as them for halloween and need some ideas. Any ideas?




  1. Well anything lavish and designer more than likely. For Bella shed still keep it simple and comfy  

  2. ok... good places to look FAN SITES!!!!!! the main one is stephine myer but go here:

    for all of them for movie pictures go here:

    (that one will also have links)

    i think that edward dresses sorta causual but wears a lot of tan blue and green

    bella is also a bit plain simple clothes - go for jeans

    renesmee has only really paid detail to clothes once : it said that she was wearing pink frilly things - girly looking but still sturdy

  3. Uum, they would probably wear regular clothes. It's really the physical appearances you should work on.  

  4. Well I believe that they would dress in neat but casual gear in most circumstances but if it was a good occasion they would wear formal wear . But it is really up to you how you think they should dress for this occasion  

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