
What would Emile Durkheim say about POVERTY???

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using the functionalist theory?




  1. Functionalist believe that ineqaulity(and in turn poverty) in resource distribution is functionally important in society. They believe that people who earn more are given rewards for their scarce talents and difficult jobs and people in poverty are getting the share which is necessary to keep society working. This is that people are supplied resources like resources might be supplied to more impotant organs in a body.

    Of course you might be already able to spot some flaw with my crude explanation of the functionalist perspective but it is a thoery which has lost its vibrancy becuase the problems with it. This can be applied in a north south global world be saying that these nations are provided for the resources and talents that they produce for the global economy

    For one it is a circular argument-that people are payed more doesnt mean that they are more functionally important. Furthermore if fails to explain barriers for poorer people to gaining skills.(ie that explained by marxist and weberian thoery). This is why one might find it hard to find a durkhiemian perspective because it is felt that conflict theory better explains poverty and inequality.

  2. Sucks.

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