
What would GCSE Media Studies involve?

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What would be the coursework/exams? I know every school will probably be different but just in general?




  1. I teach Media Studies & GCSE does vary according to the  Examining board. However, broadly speaking, expect about  50% of marks for coursework - this includes theoretical essays and practical production -and  50% examination.

    Exams vary from from  board to  board. WJEC has an unseen exam with two topics that change from year to year.  OCR has an unseen exam with a set topic plus an analysis of an unseen media text. AQA has a controlled test, whcih means you get the paper two weeks in advance and prepare both theoretical essays and a production task. The set topic changes each year.

    What can you expect? You can expect to have fun! Media studies includes TV,film, internet and new media, comics, magazines, computer games, the music what you proably enjoy everyday! We make films at GCSE in my school. But it's not a doss as some people will have you  believe. An A grade requires consistent effort and several skills.

    You may also have the option of a BTEC or one of the new diplomas in Creative and Media. Consider these if you don't like exams and enjoy a more practical approach to learning. Good luck!

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