
What would Helen Keller want to see?

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Yes, I am aware that Helen Keller is blind, but I have to write a poem about a person for a biography project.

We read biographies then, my social studies teacher gave us

the outline for our poem. I was unaware that the poem would

include what that person would most want to see. If I had

known, I would've chosen a different biography. Seeing as

it's too late now.. what do you guys think she would most want

to see?




  1. Another day of life.

  2. Her blind date. Har har.

  3. I would say first of all, her self in the mirror.  Then she would like to see her family and go out into the world to see the beauty that mother nature has created. Set down and close your eyes place a scarf over your eyes and think what would you like to see most of all.

  4. What wouldn't she want to see other than all of the bad and ugly things in our world.

    But I think she has seen what she most wanted to see. I believe when she passed from this mortal world to the next that her vision as well as her hearing were restored to perfect condition and she saw what she most wanted to see, the face of God.

  5. Colors.  The brilliance of a bright yellow sun.  The brown eyes of a lover.  A red rose.  The blue sky. White clouds floating in the sky.  Clear tears falling on a pale cheek.  The green grass of a pasture.  The color spectrum of the rainbow.  The blond hair of a child.  The ebony skin of an African.  The white foam on the ocean.  Gray smoke curling out of a chimney on a cold winter's day.  The beige table cloth on a wooden table. An orange sunset.  A silver moon.  A gold chain.  A black moonless night.  You can go on forever...

    If you say "color" you can encompass everything in existence.

  6. everybody's smiling faces in the sunshine

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