
What would Hillary be if she hadn't married Bill?

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What would Hillary be if she hadn't married Bill?




  1. Probably a lawyer in some small law office working on wills and probate.

  2. She would have been a rich successful lawyer as she had graduated near the top of her Yale lawyer class.

  3. Better off

  4. She would not have been Senator from New York, nor a presidential candidate.

    I also wonder if Bill would have gotten as far in life without HER!  He has the charm but she has the discipline.

    Historians will debate questions like yours for years to come.

  5. She would still be Hillary Rodham - somebody or other, and maybe she would be in the Senate or have her own law firm.

  6. she would probably have been an airline attendant or a waitress.

  7. A bitter man hating, everything to everyone, politically motivated carpet bagger...Oh wait, she already is bad

  8. The "Honorable" Senator Clinton would be an inmate attorney.

  9. still ugly

  10. She'd still be a pain in our collective *sses.

  11. well, she'd still be a b*tch. So I don't know the question.

  12. Married to Rush Limbaugh. She jilted poor Rush and took Bill, maybe thats why Rush was always so hard on Bill.

  13. An old single woman

    Seriously politics and love dont mix unless its with another person with exactly the same political veiws as you.

    Thats why when going on a date your always told to not talk about religion or politics cuz fights start from those.

  14. Hard to say...A lawyer somewhere... I am sure she would be successful, she is a very ambitious and driven person.

  15. happy

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