
What would I charge for senior in high school to watch my 6 yr old(7 in Aug) girl over the summer? (4 days/wk)

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error: what would I pay a senior ???




  1. If she is going to work for a min of 5 hours a day, and she is going to stay at home (wouldnt have her drive your daughter around) I would pay her about 5.50 an hour. That would be about 110. a week. This is what she would be making at a fast food restaurant. You should pay her at least close to what she would make going to and from a job. I would think this would be a more attractive job offer. Better bonus'

    Good luck.(you might also check and see what the school charges if they have like a day camp. Schools are usually pricey but have more things to do.

  2. not sure but you would not charge them anything they would charge you. just set up some interviews and see what happens

  3. Minimum wage, plus expenses for food and gas, if she drives her around, or admission to play parks etc.

  4. That depends upon on what area you live in.  Around here babysitters (teens) get $10.00 an hour.  I suggest you ask around.

  5. Well... I would pay her $20.00 a day. That's $80.00 a week. Lot's cheaper then a day camp. You don't want to pay her any less, because you are taking up her summer fun. You want to make it worth her while. If she is not satisfied... you maybe looking for a new sitter and that can be tough. so make her happy and she'll stay.

    That's the going rate for the H.S. girls who babysit around here.

    Also... depending on how long she would be caring for your daughter daily. If it's more then 6 hours a day... a little more would be nice.

  6. Mn- metro area  I would say at least 200 dollars a have to remember she could get a job that pays aLOT more..and you are getting services private.. not daycare discount for a week...good luck. It depends on how much you can afford. But I don't know many seniors who would take only 200 a will have to discuss her expections with her..that is only the fair thing to do..

  7. Well I wouldn't charge her anything, but I would pay her.

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