
What would I gain from swimming?

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I have been doing a lot of different exersises to keep me in form. Every week, I would run and train myself and would go to my fencing club. I also play football sometimes. Also, I would weight-lift every few days per week.

But I am starting to get obsessed to know how to get into shape and to be really fit. I know that swimming is definitely a good way to keep fit, so I would like to know what elements would I gain from swimming that I haven't already have. Thank you in advance for all the answers.




  1. two major things you will gain from swimming is endurance and flexibility.

    you will build endurance faster in swimming because its an anaerobic sport. Not being able to breathe at any opportunity (breathing will hamper your stroke) helps your body become more efficient in creating and maintaining energy.

    swimming also has a unique way of stretching your body out. being in the water is great for your joints and the resistance of the water will have you using muscles you never knew you had. there are many smaller muscles in you body that are harder to isolate, swimming will hit those muscles. When your large muscles get tired, the smaller muscle will start to fire to try and maintain the level of intensity. most injuries occur (especially in the shoulder) when these small muscles can't preform.

    i believe swimming guards against injury, especially in the joints.

    Many football players who swim say they feel more limber and less tired.

  2. you will be more tone. Swimming in my eyes is better than running because you use more muscles and have to control your breathing more. If you continue to swim you should see your body becoming more hard and tone and every other cardio will be easier

  3. You can work out your back, get a 6 pack,and really get buff.

  4. muscular shoulders

  5. wrinkled  jk...swimming gives alot of muscles a workout without being high impact, very good for you

  6. well, i'm on my high school's swim team.

    swimming uses every muscle you have.

    so, when i was on swim, i didn't actually lose any weight.  i did lose fat, but i gained so much muscle that i didn't lose any pounds.

    u will get really muscular.

    i swam for 3 hours a day monday-saturday for about 3 months, and i came out looking great and fit.

  7. Firstly, get the perception right---to get into shape and to be very fit---any sport that you indulge in seriously, will do. You can be a sprint or marathon running specialist, a full-time soccer player(and you can become real rich!), a school basketball player or a national swimmer. Secondly, consider if you are PHYSICALLY ENDOWED for the sport you desire. If you are short and skinny, for example, then basketball is definitely out. As for swimming, having a streamlined body,  big hands and feet like Michael Phelps, would help a lot.

    In swimming, you will gain lots of stamina, strength in your limbs/back and toned muscles even with the minimum of weights-training. And the sport, like water-polo, is just perfect in the heat of summer, compared to many others.Not likely to suffer heat-stroke. And lastly, of course it is a most useful skill for self-preservation, and even to save your close relatives or friends in an emergency. Should any of your precious gadgets or valuables, drop into deep water in the pool, river, sea,etc at least you could retrieve it.

    One caution though, if you become very involved in swimming competitions for which lots of training will be involved, just remember that you will develop a different set of muscles and skill that will affect your other sports. So decide carefully with your coaches, which activity you should you specialize in.You are putting your career and life-long satisfaction on line.

    All the best, hope above points help, and have pleasant times!

  8. lots of muscle

    i was a swimmer for eight years and i have really good bi and tricepts and great caf muscles

    you can really benifit from different exercises

    like swim 4 laps arms and legs

    4 just legs

    4 just arms

    then repeat that cycle a few times

    deing this everyday is a great workout to get good muscles

  9. you work every muscle in your body, so overall its great. i am a swimmer on a team and ever since ive started this year my thighs look a lot more muscular. youll only get the best outcome if you swim correctly so take swimming lessons before anything. hope im helpful. thanks

  10. You would get a total body work out and great muscular tone but not the same kind as body builders.  Swimming is a great excercise for the simple fact that you work more muscles than with any other exercise whether it is running, sit ups or push ups.  When swimming you work all of these muscles and some.  Its a great exercise and it will totally get you in good shape all around.

  11. It would increase you're lung and Heart size.It is also the best exercise to work all the muscles of the body at once. Its also amazing for keeping youre joints in shape.

  12. swimming definately works out

    your upper body. your shoulders,

    your arms, your chest, your abs..

    they'll all get toned really fast.

    when i was a freshman, we had

    to do swim in our gym class

    and i had alot of upper body

    strength after 6 weeks

    of swimming for an hour a day,

    monday through friday.

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