
What would I have to do if I wanted to pursue this job?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, I think I want to design skateboards and maybe clothes too but where would I have to go to beable to start my own business. I have a "logo" or sign that I designed myself and I think if I pursue this job that would be the trademark, I think. anway, I want to go to college and I'm pretty sure where I want to go well, if they accept me which I really hope they do but anyway, what would I have to do to start my own business. would I need to major in business for my college education and can I still get my masters and doctorite degree? any answers would be apperciated. thank you=]




  1. It sounds too simple to be true, but it this is how it works: wherever you are, whatever the challenges you face, whatever anyone tells you: start now, where you are, with whatever you have to work with. That's how success happens. Good luck!

  2. You don't need a degree in business to open and run your own business. A good place to start is by registering your own business name so you exist as a business. From there on, you may want to source manufacturers and get some samples made. Get a website and e-mail address up and running and start selling your stuff on-line. In the mean time studying at college would be fantastic. As your business is up and running you will be learning new strategies and principles through your studies enabling you to better your business.

    I'd recommend getting your foot in the door by starting the operational side of your business.

    There are many great books out there that can assist you with the basic principles and/or market trends - check out amazon for titles.

  3. ahh big dreams of easy fame. in order to be a designer of any sort you'd need to get your name out there and have some experience/industry contacts. I think you'd have to put a few years into being an experienced designer's apprentice/helper. Oh. and then there's the start up capital. Do you know anyone who'd give you a business loan? that's a huge part of it

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