
What would I have to do to get both teaching degrees for elementary and college education?

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I would like to become a teacher in both elementary school (full time) and a college professor (possibly in the summer months) I can't make my mind up n who I would want to teach so I would like to do both if possible.How would i go about that?




  1. Get a master's and doctorate. And sometimes an Ed.S will work instead of a doctorate, depends on the college.

  2. College professorship generally requires an advanced degree (Masters)

    Elementary teaching can be done with a certification that requires a bachelor's degree in education

  3. Elementary Ed: Bachelor's degree in elementary ed usually offer a chance to get licensed and in most states you are allowed to public school teach on solely a B of Ed. (Private schools you don't need a license.)

    College: First off, you are probably not going to want to do any teaching in the summer. I suggest tutoring (average rate 40$/hr). But,  if you're determined, most colleges and universities require a doctorate. Some schools allow for only Masters degrees, but they are few and generally community colleges. However, community colleges do hire teachers without higher degrees to teach community ed classes (underwater basket weaving, yoga, karate, conversational french, etc).


  5. Actually, you can get a teaching license/teach elementary school with a bachelor's degree in elementary ed.  To be a college professor, there is no license (which explains why some college professors are God-awful teachers)...but you usually need AT LEAST a master's degree to teach at a university.  If you want to be a professor, that would usually require a doctorate.  Your best bet would probably be to get a bachelors in elementary ed and then a masters in whatever you area you want to teach.   Hope this helps!

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