
What would I have to do to prepare to live in Mexico for a month or two?

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What would I have to do to prepare to live in Mexico for a month or two?




  1. well,nothing,youll be very lonely seeing that the population of mexico has jumped the fence and low lives here and drains our country of its resources.

  2. All you really need is a passport and money.  If you are American then your dollars will go pretty far...especially if you stay out of tourist areas.  Also, I don't know if you speak Spanish or not, but it's best that you know a little.  Mexican Spanish is very clear and comprehendable.  More so, in my opinion, then Puerto Rican, Dominican, or Venezuelan.

  3. watch for el chupacabra he might jump on you ...........................just kidding his not real

  4. You DO NEED a 'Visa' but it will be given to you on the plane.

    You do NOT  need one to board you plane.

    Money issues--Bank cards are becoming popular you get the rate that your bank at home gives you the day you withdraw.

    Small amount of cash and back up "Travelers Checks" are always a good idea.

    I know someone here in Acapulco that swore by his bank card--until he lost it.  10 Days to get it replaced.

  5. Have a valid passport and find out where your country's Consulate is in Mexico.  Upon arrival in Mexico, go register with the consulate so that in the event of personal emergency, they know who you are and your contact info.  Buy health ins. and get your vaccinations as you will not be used to many things like food,etc... CAA sells travel ins.   Pick up a translation book, or even better, a travel guide with listings for local hostels, b&b's, etc.  I don't think that you would need a visa.  Make sure to save enough money to get home(maybe buy travellers cheques for the amount of your flight home so as to avoid the possibility of theft of everything you own.)  Good luck y pura vida!

  6. first you need to open your mind to see and learn from a very different culture, find a place to stay, memorice the phone number of the embassy, meet someone to guide you trough it if you don't know spanish,

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