
What would Jerry Falwell, Sr. say about Sarah Palin and her daughter?

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What would Jerry Falwell, Sr. say about Sarah Palin and her daughter?




  1. That it doesn't matter whether or not these two kids want to marry, they are going to marry whether they like it or not, it's the fundie way...

  2. I'm thinking something like this:

    "This is terrible!  Immoral!  A prime examle of liberal America run amok!  Wait...what's that you say?  Her mom is the Republican VP nominee?  A evangelical?  Pro NRA?  Oh...well...nevermind."

  3. He would say that they caused 9/11, and then find out that they're Republican (or secessionist, depending on whom you believe) and get really really confused.

  4. He would have said: Way to go dumb@ss, now I'm going to treat you the way I treated Hillary, the devil.,2933,2154...

  5. Oh I'm sure he's cool with it, so long as it's a GOP teen and not a Dem kid.

  6. LMAO!!!

    Falwell was a moron, he would love Palin.

  7. Well, he might ask the question of her boyfriend, "What did you mean young man when you said "oops, wrong hole?" and the next thing I knew she was pregnant...

  8. "Welcome to h**l"...comrades.

  9. Since he's dead, I doubt he'll say anything.

    Pat Robertson would be all for it, because his wife gave birth 10 weeks after he married her.  

    It's a fine, Christian, hypocritical tradition.

  10. That Sarah is absolutely living up to her family values by supporting the daughter and encouraging her to carry the pregnancy to term, and in this case, get married to the child's father... that she walks the walk... and talks the talk.

  11. Same thing that Jesus would say, " no ones perfect". only libs tend to believe they are..

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