
What would McCain do differently than Bush, if he were elected to the White House?

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Tim, like what? How about a list based on what you've heard him say, or based on what you've read about his plans for America? What would he do differently?




  1. Well for starters he's stop the waterboarding and probably phase out the Guantanamo prison.

    He'd cut taxes AND spending whereas Bush only did the former. (This was why McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts)

    The whole lack of a sensible domestic energy plan depends on us largely getting more Republicans into Congress, so I'm not sure he'd be more effective getting us offshore drilling and nuclear power.  Maybe he can...

  2. Hopefully nothing. Bush will go down as a hero.  

  3. he'll be sleeping with Cindy Hensley McCain while bush sleeps with laura bush

  4. simple, he'd vacation in Sedona.

  5. He wouldn't do anything differently, he would follow that same destructive path.

  6. well mcain wont desert in wartime like bush did

    mcain might not drink and drive

    mcain probably is not an inside trader..

    i dont think mcain has bankrupted any companys or states or countrys  yet.. but then he's never been a govenor or a president.

    policy wise tho.. mcain swore to be a good puppet .. and support the bush agenda.. so there wont be much difference there.. different person in office.. but the same handlers and puppet masters.

  7. McCain will know what to do and how to attack the support of Iran! Russia will have to be attacked then the SAUDIS WILL LOSE THEIR PROTECTION! McCain doesn't have the resources to do it because Bush ruined it! If anything McCain will control the Afghanistan better and the boarders to Iran better!  

  8. I read his policies and he pretty much agrees with all of Bush's policies. I really see nothing changing if he gets in the White House. We will just have another 4yrs of Bush policies. GOD HELP US

  9. Since democrats wanted to praise him every time he criticized bush over the last eight years I would think he would do a lot of things different.  

  10. He would waste MORE money and lives on Iraq and fake wars for oil.  

  11. Bush is NOT a socialist and that is good enough for me.

    NOBAMA 2008!!

  12. If history predicts the future, then his platform will look like Bush's 95% of the time...  

  13. He would have a different wife, assuming that he's not involved in another affair.  Oh, and he would also guarantee more needless deaths of American soldiers with his proposed four years of a steady American presense in the Middle East.  We might even enjoy another performance of Bomb Iran.

  14. His use of the English language would probably be better.  That's about all I can think of.

  15. Nothing, Nothing and Nothing

  16. 1. Mccain didn't support Bushes 2001 and 2003 tax cuts.

    2. He believes in being less demanding with other foreign countries.

    3.He has different views on national security.

    4.Mccain would most likely have reacted better to 911 and Hurricane Katrina.

    5. Mccain unlike Bush does not believe that interning the Japanese was the right thing to do.

    6. Mccain opposes any form of torture including water boarding.

    7. He will improve americas strategy in Iraq, saving American lives.

    8. He will improve and enlarge Americas economy

    using pro-growth, pro-stimulus packages that have shown throughout history to enlarge and improve economies.

  17. Seriously, honestly, I can't think of a god-d.a.r.n. thing!

  18. He will probably have to quell race riots in L.A., Detroit, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, etc. for six weeks following his inauguration.

  19. i accually have 6 ideas. so... its not more of the same.

    1)he will push for funding of alternative energy, which bush has been reluctant to do.

    2)he will close gitmo.

    3)he will provide families 5000 dollars in tax credits to families who need money for insurance, while pressuring drug companies to keep their prices low. he does not want the goverment taking over healthcare because he knows that it would be too much of a strain having a big goverment project to fund and keep working. he wants a more free market approach to it, which some say would help the economy.

    4) he will cut spending by vetoing bills with earmarks. earmarks are funds added to bills that have nothing to do with the bill. by stoping that he could help decrease the deficit.

    5) he plans on having cap-and-trade on polluters, by rewarding those who give off less pollution money so they can benifet from their clean work.

    6)he is for stem-cell research funding, unlike bush who has vetoed two attempts by congress.

    7) he was against the way bush was handling katrina, he would not have appointed a guy with no experience in control of FEMA. but he did not approve of the bill passed congress to help katrina victems because it was loaded with earmarks, maybe that's why we didn't see much improvement in new orleans after it hit.

    and if your going to bring up iraq. john mccain might have approved the war but he was against the handeling of the war for a long time, he was pushing bush to do a surge 3 years bush even thought about it. if we did it a long time ago, we might've seen the results we are seeing now and be pulling our troops out now and have less casulties.

    and of course there's the 95% voting alongside of bush last year. but considering that he voted less while campaigning, he has voted less with bush in previous years, and bush did not do much that year, you might see why obama voted 40% with bush, while voting 97% with his party.

  20. Maybe some bipartisanship...

    He does have a history of being a compromiser.

  21. Well I think he can take a vacation in one of his seven houses instead of only going to the Crawford Ranch.

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