
What would McCain really do to Russia right now IF he were president?

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I keep reading questions poking fun of Obama's call for a U.N resolution, but what would McCain really do? Please take into consideration everything presently going on with the war on terror, economy, etc., before you answer.




  1. He'd Bomb Iran

    Then He's Bomb Russia

  2. Mccain would stand there and try and look tough with his war wound and make false promises to georgia as he does to the american people

  3. I would trust McCain with this A LOT more good than Obama

    McCain has much experience

    he fought during the Vietnam war, was imprisioned and tortured

    eventually released

    but returned to fight for his country

    He's great with foreign affairs, and is a more calm person that doesn't get riled up quickly

    Obama has been senator. . .uh, for how long?

    I am a person that believes that people should be given the opportunity to gain experiance, but Obama is jumping right into presidency, and is already faltering with his position with the Iraq issue

    I think McCain would do a MUCH better job at handling things

  4. Good question!  What can McCain do?  What Can Obama do?  What will the UN do?  Nothing as usual.  

    The UN just hangs around giving out one sanction after another and they do nothing to back up what they say.

    That is why we are in Iraq now..The UN gave out sanctions and passed resolutions more than 20 times and did nothing when Hussein (isn't that name familiar? Who else has that name?) snubbed his nose at them.

    EVERYONE, The UN, BILL CLINTON, GREAT BRITON, TONY BLAIR ETC, knew, or thought-depending on whose propaganda you're listening to, Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and yet they just kept giving Hussein a slap on the wrist.  

    Russia knows that NO ONE will come to the aid of Georgia, or the next country, probally the Ukrain.  Russia will keep right on invading until they have their good ole U.S.S.R. back.  

    Why should they back down when they have seen in the past that the UN is a Politically Correct group of socialists who do nothing to help anyone unless it is to fill their pockets.

  5. More than likely he would place economic sanctions on them. Get them kicked out of the G-8 conference. And apply pressure on Russian corporations operating in the US.

  6. Nothing Bush isn't already doing.  At least he quickly understood the real situation and condemned the Russians immediately.  He also is not recommending foolish courses of action

  7. IDK?

  8. Other than diplomatic sanctions, nothing.  Assuming he is sane, of course (and while I don't like McCain, I don't think he's stark raving crazy).

    Neither the US nor anyone else is going to risk a nuclear war over Georgia. I'ts  as simple as that.

    If the situation is prolonged, we can follow up with economic sanctions and (hopefully)  strategies to reinforce and contain any new Russian  Which is a bit off your topic.expansionism.

  9. Nothing, but he was right to make fun of Obama. Russia is on the UN Security Council. They will not pass anything that condemns themselves.  It is foolish for Obama to think the UN can do anything.  

  10. will refrain from speculation based upon the variation of circumstances

  11. He will most likely have us go in to help Georgia. But then we'd go bankrupt because we can't afford it.  


  13. He would probably do just what Bush is doing.

  14. He won't do anything more than try to conduct peace talks...If America were to get involved in a conflict with Russia right now our economy would obliterate.That is 100% guarantee.I mean look at how much we spent just fighting in much do you think it will cost fighting against the largest country in the world with a far more advanced military technology than that of Iraq?

  15. Kick Russia out of the G-8, Give NATO recognition to the Ukraine, Run The Blockade into Poti, Freeze Rissian Assets. There are a few things available.

  16. I McCain were President he would have to leave Russia alone until we could supply Georgia with weapons and humanitarian aid. The US does not have a big force in Europe to confront th Russians in there own back yard. Pres. McCain would know that Russia is telling Georgia and all other countries that want to side with the West and Nato that Russia is still strong and willing to use its force!  

  17. i dont know

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