
What would Near's child look like?

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- Near from Death Note -

Would it be a boy or a girl? What would it look like? What would it's personality be? I need to know for a fic I'm writing for a friend. I already have *some* ideas... I would just like to see what other people might think. Maybe I've missed something.




  1. Hm. BlackWingedAssasin pretty much nailed it, so I just wanna add that you should probably give him/her some sort of little odd habit. After all, L had an infamous sweet tooth, Mello similarly enjoyed chocolate far too much, and Near was an avid toy collector.

    As for the quirk, I have no ideas, for I am tired and it is 1:45 in the morning. But if it just comes down to BlackWinged's answer and mine fr the honors, choose his. ^_^

    Good luck with your fanfic!

  2. Well, I have no idea who the wife would be, but I have a pretty good imagination of the baby. Being it either a girl or boy, it would be such a beautiful baby, with nice curly hair. The color would be very light, since Near's hair is natural white, or platinum blond. I guess the baby would have very little eyebrows, since Near has none at all. The baby would be a wondering child or a very intellectual one.

    I hope this helps.  

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