
What would Rambo do if he got shorted a chicken nugget at McDonald's?

by  |  earlier

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He counts the nuggets, and sees he didn't get all 20 nuggets that he ordered, he only got 19!

What would he do?




  1. ...first of all, Rambo would not be caught dead at McDonald's !...  you'd find him, stealthy, getting into the "chicken coop" and grabbing a "cluck", biting it's head off and taking it to his camp...  He's Rambo !!!  not "Michael Moore" !!!

  2. he wouldnt make such a big deal about it, chuck norris on the other hand...

  3. he would probably rip out someone's throat and eat it...

  4. order agn with a new look the  one were he looks like the jungle guy ...........

  5. Shoot them all! BWAHAHA!

  6. First, he would just stare at them then the nuggets. Without saying a word, he would blind the employees with soda, shoot the manager with his trusty bow and arrow, and then he would jump into the kitchen and beat the employees running at him with pots and pans. He would pour hot french fry grease on anyone who got in his way, then he would run to the stove in the back. He would strap a  M18A1 Claymore to the gas stove (an anti-personal mine used by the U.S. Military) , and run out of the disgraced place. He would would watch the destruction of the place, and then he'd walk among the rubble to steal some other guy's chicken nuggets :) .

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