
What would Sen. Craig done if it hadn't been a cop?

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I am naive about g*y public s*x encounters. Larry Craig goes to a men's stall in Minneapolis Airport, taps feet with a cop and gets arrested. So what would have happened if it was a horny g*y guy and not a cop? Larry is older. Do they get in the same stall? Is it up for grabs and Larry give oral s*x to the guy or vice versa? Is there intercourse and rules to follow? Condoms? Even if you are in a stall, there's 2 sets of legs and probably some noise. Why would a US Senator take such a chance? Who gets "done" and is there pavement?

I just don't understand and would like some more information.





  1. Well in the first place, I have never known or heard of any police officer who would actually sit down in a public washroom. Unless of course he had just knocked off a dozen donuts coming from a bad batch. Or is there more to this than meets the eye? Could it have been just a case of underhanded encrapment on the part of the officer? Never know in today's society.

  2. Any of those things or any combination of them might have taken place as a result.  Of course the police use this trap a lot and somehow get convictions with no evidence and seemingly no accountability.  It isn't unreasonable to think the officer was not telling the truth.  It isn't unreasonable to think that Craig was not telling the truth.  Chances are we will never know what really happened.

    I know someone who beat a similar charge in court when an officer tried to claim he was soliciting for s*x by putting his feet too close to the officer when using a wall urinal.  Now anybody who has ever used a wall urinal in their life knows you have to stand that way to use the thing without urinating on your feet, but the officer was abusing his authority and playing games with someones life.  I don't care how you tap your foot, it isn't s*x.  The word of a cop has no more authority than the word of anybody else in a court of law, yet this fact seems to be ignored in these cases.

    I don't want g*y men having s*x in public bathrooms, but if a cop wants to bust someone for it he should be required by law to wait until the guy actually attempts sexual contact.  When you run out of toilet paper and knock on the stall wall to ask the guy next to you for some of his, should you be prosecuted and labeled a s*x offender?

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